Friday, August 03, 2007 0 Comments A+ a-

During the last 2 months, I've developed a new hobby - hanging out at the OUM library. I know, it's such a nerdy thing to do, but aku terpaksa. And surprisingly, I enjoyed it. And yes, I'll be going there again this weekend. I don't think I've ever been to any library besides BMI nye library dulu masa kat college la. Hahahhaha... Sebab masa kecik2 dulu kat Muar, Mummy tak galakkan aku gi library. Kat sana semua orang bukan belajar...tapi diaorg dating!

I'm NOT anywhere near to being a nerd la ok. I'm just there because I have to complete my project proposal. And sometimes I'm there because I need to borrow books. To study and prepare myself for work. Because of that, I haven't been to KLCC for God knows how long!!!

This weekend, thanks to PC Fair, I think I'll be going there for a while. I need to buy few things and also to check-out seluar kerja la. The other day in Singapore, I kinda ruined my pants sbb sterika tu panas sgt. Hehehehe... (Aku dengan iron mmg ada history) Sebaik suar tu tak koyak, tp tak cun aaa... Kot2 ada yg nak ushar... dah tak cantik pandangan mata diaorg. Hahahahahaha.... In your dreams, cik scabbers!