Tuesday, August 28, 2007 0 Comments A+ a-

I was the last person to arrive at the office this morning. 9.30 kot. Masuk2 je bosses dah ada. Heh. Sebaik la sini time flexible. Kalau kat office lama dulu confirm dah kena jelingan maut. Hahahaha...

Last night aku lepak kat Hartamas Square. Yup. Dalam keadaan hujan, kepenatan dan keserabutan membawa beg berat sbb ada laptop. Officemates aku sumer pun sama cenggitu. For as long as I've worked here, I've only been there once. I have been there before, but that was when I'm still attached to Spermajalang's beloved sister. Malam tadi aku nampak kemain ramai lagik Mat Salleh dok lepak2 makan. And there is this one table before us, a group of kids... They looked 16 to me, but they were drinking like tomorrow's still a school holiday. Of course most of'em are foreigners, tapi muke macam belum akil baligh je masing2. Macam nak attention from other people je. 2 girls lumba minum Carlsberg. Then diaorg isap "shisha" (cemana ntah nak eja) pastu pass asap around the table mouth-to-mouth. So the 2 girls yg lumba minum tadi transfer the asap to each other. Adehhh... bukan sexy namanye tu. Geli siot!!!

Sebenarnye takde point pun, aku takde citer nak diceritakan. So.... mengumpat la sket. Heheheh...