Rajin adik, rajin
When you push yourself, you really can get things done, isn't it? Hehe..
So let's see.. I've driven to Galaxy and bought my cleanser. Pit stop at the hardware store to buy lampu for bilik air. And gone to the mechanic to change my car's lampu depan.
* What's up with me and lampu anyway? *
All siap in like, 1/2 an hour. And give me just a nice time to mandi and siap2 for my date with my girlfriends in KLCC. Oh, and I took out the trash too. So the only chore left for me is to drive to KJ to buy some pizza stuff for MakTon.
Not to forget the shopping, the eating and the fun stuff with the girls later. Hmmm.. and probably a midnite movie.
I like today already. =)