
Friday, June 18, 2010 0 Comments A+ a-

Yea2... I know haritu I wanted to get sick so I can take MC. But HAHA to me, after 1 whole week, I'm still sick.

I took MC on Tuesday, but Mr. Ho HAD to ask if I can work from home. Oh I hate him! Wednesday I was like a zombie in the office. Suddenly I was driving home he texted me, suruh pegi AA office the next day.

Till now, I still have no clue why he dragged me there. Although I had to say I was glad I came along coz I really miss my friends there. Plus, lucky me, Mr. Ho was so damn cute last nite when we were watching football @ the Chinese Muslim restaurant. Err.. but this is like, out of the story.

Anyway... Guess I'm staying in again this whole weekend. And no spicy food for me. =(