Orang Kuning
Out of all the client's offices I've been stationed at, Digi is by far the cantik-est.Konsep mcm Google je (not that I've been to Google, but tengok dalam gambar la). Takde partitions, duduk mana2 suka, walls pun tak banyak and its glass. Kat lobby ada water flowing.. banyak tables for ppl to sit and use the free WiFi. Bersih.
AirAsia pulak is by far the most huru-hara office I've been to. Sempit. Kerusi rosak sana sini, meja pun biasa je tak cun at all!
Tapi, work-wise, AirAsia senang la nak access server, vpn.. so I can work at any time and any place as long as ada internet access.
Digi strict gile. Server takde internet. Vpn pun takleh download file onto desktop. Vpn diaorg cuma for us to see how the system interface looks like. Bile dok office diaorg, connect to local network takbleh access internet. Connect internet takleh access network. Duh.
Guard pun garang. Visitors are not allowed to naik lif without Digi staff. So tiap2 pagi kene call & tunggu orang dtg pick me up.
So, takde mana2 office yg perfect.
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Reply(sorry Jihan tak kelakar.. aku tengah stress)
Perfect Pizli. PP.