Tuesday, September 28, 2004 0 Comments A+ a-

My *calorie-fest* weekend in Cherating was F.U.N! Early Friday morning Farah, Rahmat & Dahlia picked me up at home and then we're off. Had breakfast kat Hentian Genting-Sempah. They gave us a road quiz so takleh la nak tido. I haven't been to the East Coast in over 5 years so I was all excited to see the beach again. Ikut highway baru KL-Kuantan. Best sket la jalan dia. Tapi still tak ramai orang, the road workers siap bleh lepak2 atas divider. Hehehehe...We were the second to arrive, at around 12.30pm that day. Dapat KFC sorang satu meal, and the Family Day T-Shirt kaler kelabu.

Me, Dahlia, Farah, Arin, Min, Liza and Fenny all stayed in one house. They put most of the single staff in the Eastern Pavillion. Ours is the Negeri Sembilan Pavillion. Kat situ area dia macam perkampungan yg dipenuhi dengan pokok2 hijau dan bunga2 mekar, overlooking the sea. *cewah!* Itu pun dah best, dan tambah best lagi, each pavillion has it's own jacuzzi. Jadi kitaorg berendam la kat luar rumah, sambil diperhatikan oleh rakan2 lain yg sedang berjalan2 dalam taman. Hehehehe..

Pantai pun best! Cuma slope banyak giler so they advice us not to swim in the sea. Jadiknya kitaorg just main2 di gigi air sahaja. From the moment we reached Cherating until Sunday morning before we took off, asyik la dok lepak kat beach. We can't seem to get enuf of it! Matahari tak seberapa terik macam kat Langkawi. Tapi around 9.00 a.m dah mula terasa kepedihan badan kerana berjemur.

Saturday early morning kitaorg bangun pegi breakfast, then off to the beach for some "Fun In The Sun"! Wearing our uniforms, we built our sandcastle...tapi tak menang. It doesn't matter as long as we enjoy ourselves. Oh ya, Encik Norley's daughter is sooooooooo cute! Nazura namanya. Umur 3 tahun. Kitaorg babysit dia most of the time. Hehehehe... Then ada banyak games, which I didn't take part. Aku ngan Farah dok bawah pokok makan ais krim pakai duit Pakcik Omar. Hehehehe..

Then lunchtime dia sediakan picnic lunch. Sotong sambal, ikan bakar, daging salai, ayam masak ape ntah, buah2an tempatan... fuh! That is why I said it was a calorie-fest weekend. Makannnnnnnnnn aje kerjanya! On the evening we had cooking & teh tarik competition. Kitaorg tak pegi tgk cooking punya session, sbb sibuk main Saidina (Monopoly) kat dalam bilik. Dahlia giler dengki kat aku. Farah punye la baik sampai aku rasa cam nak jahit je mulut dia. Min kira sama la cam aku. Main secara normal. Hahahaha.. Anyway, Farah kata dia menang, tapi kitaorg taknak caye sbb tak kira habis. Aku pun kaya gak ape? hehehehhe...

The big dinner Saturday night was not such a great one, food-wise. Omar received his prize for designing the Family Day T-Shirt. Min, Arin & Lily, from our table, won the Road Quiz Competition. Arin got lucky dapat jugak hadiah for Lucky Draw. Dahlia and Omar won 3rd prize for the Three-legged race. Me, Farah and Fenny je yg tak dapat ape2. Eheheheh... After the prize giving ceremony, ada Fancy Dress for kids. Comel gilerrrrr Najula, Charmine's baby and Dr. Hla's granddaughter. Dinner habis around 11p.m, balik terus tergolek atas katil, unable to open my eyes!

Sunday morning went to watch the fisherman do their stuff. Pemandangan toksah citer la. Memang cantik! Then 11 a.m. kitaorg betolak balik, tapi singgah kat Kuala Kemaman first, to buy some keropok for our families back home. Ingat nak balik terus, tapi singgah balik hotel utk lunuch free! hehehehe... Dah kenyang kitaorg pun balik.... I had to drive halfway, since Rahmat dah sakit2 badan from Tarik Tali competition. Punye la aku nervous. Jalan dah la bengkang-bengkok, aku tak familiar plak tu... lagipun dah lama tak bawak an auto car. Menggelabah giler! Dah dekat tu ade pulak la accident, pastu hujan. Memang aku menggelabah la sepanjang perjalanan balik. Hehehehehe...

Alhamdulillah kitaorg selamat sampai ke KL ptg semalam. Around 5p.m. Balik2 je goreng keropok lekor, cicah sos yg dibeli di Terengganu. Bestttt.... Pastu 8p.m aku tido, lepas la Smallville. Hahahhahaa... Today semua orang sibuk exchanging pictures from their cameras and telling unfogettable stories from Cherating... :)