Thursday, June 28, 2007 0 Comments A+ a-

Things I've learned from my 3 months working in Mont Kiara:

1. Nasi lemak/nasi ayam + air that costs RM9.90 is CHEAP.
2. If your don't drive a HUMMER or a 7-series Mercedes or some huge weird-looking 4-wheel drive that goes by the no. TV3, K5 or RB8... you obviously do not belong here.
3. They don't go around speaking Malay or Chinese or Tamil. They speak ENGLISH, even if those who are talking to each other have the same mother tongue. Oh and they speak with accent too!
4. Never assume everybody's a Malaysian. Because NOBODY is (I guess this is the reason why point no. 3 exists).
5. EVERYBODY smokes.
6. Cuti-cuti Malaysia DOESN'T exist. It's all about cuti-cuti Phuket, Bali, Australia and such.