Thursday, September 27, 2007 0 Comments A+ a-

Aku pegi amik my 1st ever credit card kol 10pagi tadi kat Plaza Damansara. Tempat dia kemain high class lagi beb! Seram aku masuk.

Nampaknya aku dah melanggar peraturan diri aku sendiri : Takmoh pakai credit card.

Bukan aku saja2 nak rasa, kalo bleh aku mmg taknak rasa... cuma aku nak beli laptop. Aku macam nak urgent. Duit plak tu takde. Wat cemana... terpaksalah aku pinjam dulu duit CIMB. Kad aku kaler silver ada tulis PayPass pastu ada cop MasterCard.

Hahahah... sangat pathetic aku nih! Macam baru dapat boipren! Har har har... Hopefully nafsu aku baik biler aku melangkah masuk KLCC pasni...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007 0 Comments A+ a-

And I hate how much I love you boy
I can't stand how much I need you
And I hate how much I love you boy
But I just can't let you go
And I hate that I love you so

*Hate That I Love You - Rihanna & Ne-Yo

Tuesday, September 25, 2007 0 Comments A+ a-

I wish I'm Hermione... coz then I get to kiss Ron. But then, I wish I'm Ginny... coz I get to kiss Harry. Hmmmmmmm.... can I be both??

I could've finish my read on Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows during the weekend, but aku saja buat lambat. Sebab nanti kalau dah habis, ape lagi aku nak baca?!!!!!! Aku dah sedih2 dah baca nih... sbb aku dah nak habis. Tinggal 1 je Horcrux yg tinggal. Dan... RAMAI yg dah mati. Aku takleh terima diaorg mati. Aku tekejut! Anyway, buku tak abih baca lag... so tatau ape jadik. I'm less then 200 pages away from the end. I wanted to finish it last night, but I fell asleep.

Tak sabonye nak balik!!!

Monday, September 24, 2007 0 Comments A+ a-

Majlis Sesama Berbuka Puasa @ Seoul Bulgogi.
Friday, 21st Sept 2007

Friday, September 21, 2007 0 Comments A+ a-

If only having a child is as easy as downloading mp3s from the internet. Then I can race back home and say, "Look Mummy! I brought u a grandchild!".

It saves a whole lot of trouble, yea?

Don't mind me, I was just being mental. Last weekend when I went back home for Ramadhan, Mummy wasn't feeling very well. Plus, she looked so thin! Doc suspected thyroid, and... I dunno... maybe being an only child-who-lives-far-from-her-mum had me worried and becomes wayy too emotional.

Anyway, Wednesday night I went out with Fizah & her family. She's pregnant with her 2nd child, so tgh mengidam nak makan lala @ uptown. The original uptown, where we used to go. At first her daughter, Syifa, taknak tgk aku langsung! But by the time we reached uptown, dah main cak2 ngan aku (Main cak2 is like, my fav game of all time! Aku main cak2 dgn semua orang, tak kire umur. Hahaha). Then we shared fries, main tepuk2 la...kejar2 la... ntah pape je la...budak kecik baru nak masuk 2 thn la katakan.

Budak2 baya tu kan boleh ikut apa kita cakap kan? So aku sebut la nama aku and she said it!!! Hehehehe... suke betul aku. Selama ni dia tak penah nak kuar suara pun, apetah lagi nak sebut nama aku. Syifa is SO cute! And so was that Starbucks guy who took my order. Tapi nak wat cemana, aku tak cun... so walaupun obvious yg aku single lagi (sbb aku kuar dgn kawan aku yg dah ada anak yg tgh hyper sbb aku kasi dia minum aku nye Caramel Frappucino) tapi tiada tindakbalas selanjutnya.

* Shucks!

Back to Syifa, by the time they sent me home, we were already main cak2 with kisses. Hehehehe.. Geramnye aku ngan budak kecik tu. Eeeiiii...

Ok la, banyak plak aku membebel.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007 0 Comments A+ a-

Since everyone is psyched about this buka puasa get-together, aku teringat la ex-colleagues aku kan. Aku ingat dah setahun aku tinggalkan company tu, rupanya baru nak masuk 6 bulan! Caye tak?

Duit RM5k yg dia nak offer kat aku tu (yg aku tolak tu) cam dah tak terbau lagi. Instead aku amik offer dia teruskan contract 3 bulan ngan company baru yg dia bukak tu. Sambil2 carik keje. I suck at programming masa tu (and still is). I had no confidence at all to go for interviews, coz I haven't been to one in, like, 4 years! Sebab tu la aku sambung contract.

So when I had this call from my current company, I was nervous as hell. I borrowed books at the office to study, but on the day itself, I felt REALLY stupid. The interviewer, who is my Principal Consultant now, opened back my answers dan tanya aku apesal aku jawab cenggini. Adoiiiii.. aku ni dah la bangang tahap cipan bab Java Programming. So aku dengan muke tebalnye, jawab je la ape aku boleh. Serious aku rasa takleh pakai langsung haritu!

Anyway, I remember the next day they called to say that I got the job (huh?) Yea, I, myself even wonder why in the world they pick a clueless person as me to join their team. But I was happy anyway, and nervous. Dahlia wasn't there, so the first person aku bagitau is Spermajalang.

Hmmmmm.. aku rasa semua tu macam dah setahun yg lalu. Tapi tidak!! Isk isk isk...

Aku tatau ape point aku menulis tu sebenarnye. Ni tgh tunggu router dari MIS. Tadi router rosak, so aku pun tulis la panjang2 selagi mende tu tak sampai atas meja nih.

Ok la, meh aku nak membebel lagi pasal malam tadi. Malam ke lepas subuh tadi, lupa plak, aku mimpi. Berkaitan dengan hari akhir kita di dunia nih. Yang aku ingat, satu malam kat rumah aku.. Aqeem ade. Aku dukung dia pegi tepi tingkap nak tunjuk dia bintang yg cantik kat langit, and surprisingly banyak and so bright. Tetiba aku nampak satu kapal terbang yg sdg terbang wayyyy too low. Tetiba dia berpusing2 dan crash ke tanah. Pastu meletup. Rumah aku terus api padam dan plug semua terbakar. Then berlaku huru-hara and dalam mimpi tu, it was The End of Days.

Scary, but I know... the way aku tulis... it seems funny.

Whatever, readers! (IF ada reader la, that is) :P

Monday, September 17, 2007 0 Comments A+ a-

Nampak gayanya most of my friends sudah mem-boleh-kan diri mereka untuk hadir ke Majlis Berbuka Puasa Bersama SOL Collegues.

That means Jumaat ni takde la aku kesedihan berbuka seorang diri di rumah. Huhuh...

Kawan2 IMU lak cemana? Nak berbuka puasa sekali? Kalau nak join sekali pun syok gak. Kemungkinan besar kami akan adakan majlis di Seol Bulgogi di Plaza Pantai pada hari Jumaat 21 Sept 2007. I don't think The Management is invited. Marilah bersama2 meraikan majlis kami.

Har har har. Nampak sgt aku dah bosan wat keje. Ayat macam nak mengarang kad jemputan kawen jek.

Friday, September 14, 2007 0 Comments A+ a-

Mari dengar lagu raya
Ia membuat hati anda gembira
Teringat kampung halaman tercinta
Walaupun baru 2 hari puasa

Mari dengar lagu raya.....

Thursday, September 13, 2007 0 Comments A+ a-

Selamat berpuasa!!

Banyak dugaan aku harini. Mostly bab traffic la pagi tadi. Then aku baru cek email. Boss aku send email suruh aku settle satu keje nih. Mmg dah lama dah dia suruh, aku bukan tak buat...cuma banyak sgt problem utk aku buat. Biasa la, dia boss. Dia mana tau ape2. Dahtu siap CC kat bigboss, sama reporting officer aku. Heh. Aku rasa cam nak tampor je. Kalo la ni bukan bulan puasa, harus dah kena maki hamun dah boss aku tu. Benda kecik la beb. Alignment kat resolution problem je. Small matter. Dah sah2 tulis kat depan tu dia punye best viewed resolution. Dah setup development server kat ofis, tapi somehow aku edit dia taknak ubah ape2. So aku kena duduk kat UEM sini buat keje. Dahla aku kena pegi Singapore training, balik sini keje cam nak mati. Aku sorang2 buat most of the things sbb member aku sorang takleh pakai, sorang lagi kena handle project lain. Biler time aku nak ke UEM? Biler aku ada kat UEM sini aku banyak keje, aku kena install Oracle la, software dari Singapore la, nak meet dateline utk org2 UEM ni pulak. Dia tau sangat aku ada keje kat sini. Aku keje 24 jam, sampai 6 pagi pun dia tau. Dia cakap smalam dia ada modify aku nye footer. Oh jadi dia dah tgk la file tu cemana? Dia ingat senang la aku nak modify? Bukannya aku kena modify yg atas ngan bawah. Aku nak kena modify yg tengah2. Maka yg tengah2 tu ada pakai beberapa files. Ingat senang ke nak carik? Ingat semua orang expert guna Sun Portal ke? Member aku yg expert tu pun tak geti ok. It's SUN PORTAL for crying out loud!!!! This boss of mine is SUCH a pain in the a**. Ada 5 org member aku dlm project ni, takde sorang pun yg suke dia. Hahahaha.. so bukan salah aku, ok.

Fuh... sabo Scab.... sabo.... SABO!!!

Huh... member aku yg takleh pakai tu baru call. Nak cucuk external hard disk kat mana pun nak tanya aku.


Tuesday, September 11, 2007 0 Comments A+ a-


#cd otakscab
#cd mood
Extracting from /otakscab/mood

Congratulations! You have successfully installed StressMode into yourself. Please check the log for more information.

Monday, September 10, 2007 0 Comments A+ a-

Keje dekat 48 jam dah ni. Tidur baru 2 jam. Tengah berdiri pun aku bleh tido, apetah lagi biler tgh duduk membaca documentation. Nasib baik je tak berbunyik. Hehehehe...

Now killing time while waiting for the completion of the database.

I hope I wont fall asleep driving, when I get out of here. Harapan untuk balik tido "malam" ni sangat tipis.

Thursday, September 06, 2007 0 Comments A+ a-

2 orang kawan lelaki aku kat ofis ni asyik2 dok gayut ngan awek masing2. One is a Chinese guy, who is my team mate and the other one is Hadzrul. Hari2 telefon awek cakap pelahan2, jauh dari rakyat jelata. I wonder apa diaorg cakap ek? Hari2 call. Lunchtime call. Malam call. Hmmmmm....

Then pagi tadi FlyFM tanya women.. what do they want guys to know/do (whatever). And this one girl called up and said she wants the guy to call/sms her once in a while. Kalau hari2 jumpa pun, call & sms jugak time kerja... menunjukkan bahawa the guy is thinking of her.

Dude! If I have a bf who bugs be every second of the day with endless sms.... I'll chop off his head, man! I mean... don't u get tired of seeing/speaking to each other every single day? Kalau yg tak jumpa hari2 tu I can understand la kalau dia nak bergayut hari2... Ini kalo dah hari2 jumpa, tetiap jam nak call/msg. Boring giler!

Anyway, aku cuma cakap jek nih. Aku rasa aku rimas la kalo asyik kacau time kerja. Once in a while ok gak. I remember I had that feeling dulu. Dah lama dia tak call... tetiba out of the blue, tgh time kerja... dia call. Eh ehhhhh... melayang pula saye. Hahahaha... Tapi itu cerita lama. Ntah2 dah mati pun dia. Oooooppsss!!! Jahat plak aku. :P

Tuesday, September 04, 2007 0 Comments A+ a-

How do I breathe without you here by my side?
How will I see when your love brought me to the light?
Where do I go when your heart's where I lay my head?
When you're not with me, how do I breathe, how do I breathe?

*Mario - Bagaimana Saya Nak Bernafas?

Monday, September 03, 2007 0 Comments A+ a-

Do NOT flirt with your officemates.

Kalau aku pernah flirt ngan korang kat ofis, maafkan lah aku. Aku tak sengaja. Next time just give me a warning. Don't spank me, please.