Tuesday, September 25, 2007 0 Comments A+ a-

I wish I'm Hermione... coz then I get to kiss Ron. But then, I wish I'm Ginny... coz I get to kiss Harry. Hmmmmmmm.... can I be both??

I could've finish my read on Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows during the weekend, but aku saja buat lambat. Sebab nanti kalau dah habis, ape lagi aku nak baca?!!!!!! Aku dah sedih2 dah baca nih... sbb aku dah nak habis. Tinggal 1 je Horcrux yg tinggal. Dan... RAMAI yg dah mati. Aku takleh terima diaorg mati. Aku tekejut! Anyway, buku tak abih baca lag... so tatau ape jadik. I'm less then 200 pages away from the end. I wanted to finish it last night, but I fell asleep.

Tak sabonye nak balik!!!