Friday, September 21, 2007 0 Comments A+ a-

If only having a child is as easy as downloading mp3s from the internet. Then I can race back home and say, "Look Mummy! I brought u a grandchild!".

It saves a whole lot of trouble, yea?

Don't mind me, I was just being mental. Last weekend when I went back home for Ramadhan, Mummy wasn't feeling very well. Plus, she looked so thin! Doc suspected thyroid, and... I dunno... maybe being an only child-who-lives-far-from-her-mum had me worried and becomes wayy too emotional.

Anyway, Wednesday night I went out with Fizah & her family. She's pregnant with her 2nd child, so tgh mengidam nak makan lala @ uptown. The original uptown, where we used to go. At first her daughter, Syifa, taknak tgk aku langsung! But by the time we reached uptown, dah main cak2 ngan aku (Main cak2 is like, my fav game of all time! Aku main cak2 dgn semua orang, tak kire umur. Hahaha). Then we shared fries, main tepuk2 la...kejar2 la... ntah pape je la...budak kecik baru nak masuk 2 thn la katakan.

Budak2 baya tu kan boleh ikut apa kita cakap kan? So aku sebut la nama aku and she said it!!! Hehehehe... suke betul aku. Selama ni dia tak penah nak kuar suara pun, apetah lagi nak sebut nama aku. Syifa is SO cute! And so was that Starbucks guy who took my order. Tapi nak wat cemana, aku tak cun... so walaupun obvious yg aku single lagi (sbb aku kuar dgn kawan aku yg dah ada anak yg tgh hyper sbb aku kasi dia minum aku nye Caramel Frappucino) tapi tiada tindakbalas selanjutnya.

* Shucks!

Back to Syifa, by the time they sent me home, we were already main cak2 with kisses. Hehehehe.. Geramnye aku ngan budak kecik tu. Eeeiiii...

Ok la, banyak plak aku membebel.