Year Of The Tiger

Monday, February 15, 2010 0 Comments A+ a-

Turned out this CNY is NOT a holiday for me. Saturday I was working the whole day at the office. Sunday dapat off, but had to work because things screwed up. Today, I'm in AA office working. So will tomorrow. Surprise, surprise.

And guess what.. my family came here to visit me. And yea, I'm not in. On Sunday I had to work from home, so we didn't go anywhere. Cuma keluar kejap2 je. And I pengsan for few hours petang tu because I am WAY BEYOND TIRED. Mummy & Makton was frustrated, of course, they wanted to go out, and I can't even have that little time for them. And now I'm sad. It's SUCH a frustrating job.

Company doesn't give any Overtime for staff. Mileage is CRAP. And for 10 REALLY HARD working days of weekends and public holiday, you get back 4 days that you have to clear off before March. But WHEN DO YOU HAVE TIME TO CLEAR THE LEAVE?

Stupid *QW#^%&^

There is always a limit to everything. I've reached mine. Aku rasa aku ni sabar jugak lah orangnya, bila bos suruh itu ini, aku can compromise and buat kerja dan bersabar. Tapi now gunung berapi dah nak meletup. Penat, tension, sedih... and you get back nothing. NOTHING!

Kesimpulannya, aku travel dari Ampang ke Sepang for RM0.35sen per kilometer. Parking & toll boleh claim. THAT'S ALL.

It's shit, isn't it?

Yea, I know I promised not to curse, but as I said, I've reached my limit.



I'm sad beyond words...

Even if the company bagi 10months bonus (which no way in hell it's going to happen) sekalipun, it won't bring back yesterday, my ONLY off day.. which I was supposed to spend with my family. Dan aku dah buat Makton merajuk. Aku sedih sangat pasal my only off day, dan aku dah promise diaorg if I'm working, I'll be working from home... but aku tak boleh nak tunaikan. And again, aku tak dapat nak jumpa diaorg before diaorg balik Muar.

Even if company bagi a month off for me (which again, is now way going to happen), it will not bring back yesterday.

Do you even get how I feel now?

DO YOU?????