Sympathetic sorrow for one suffering, distressed, or unhappy

Friday, May 11, 2012 2 Comments A+ a-

"He's outside riding a bicycle"

Immediately had a flashback on our childhood. He's pushing me on a blue bike while his sister is paddling another. We were having a bicycle race.

Good times.

I had to hold back my tears. Those were the days when there were absolutely no problems in the world. Happy and full of love.

I really hope he can see the light at the end of his tunnel. For the benefit of him, and his family. But what I wish for the most is for the wife to finally come to her senses. Please wake up. Please.

So I had a very emotional day today. Thinking about his turnout, also my other-non-important-stuff-that-I-shouldn't-mention-here-now. And it's just so happen that I am in my "Pre-Menstrual Syndrome" period, which explains the whole lot of emotions & food intake (which is so inappropriate if I were to explain on food in this post, so we'll get to this later).

I really pity him. At the end of the day, he's still family. I wish I could be of any help, but I'm struggling myself. Maybe he'll get his break one of these days.

I pray he'll be okay, InsyaAllah.


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9:57 AM delete

Amin.. Dan aku nak tau cerita detail.

12:19 AM delete

Nanti ada masa aku citer ok
