My weekend was ok.. Farah slept over at my place coz rumah dia tgh renovate. Saturday morning I left her alone at home and went to Sheraton Subang for my duty as an usherette for the University's Convocation. Balik tu gi makan kat Pizza Hut Ampang Point, saw one of our ex-classmates (dia cashier kat situ) but tak tegur ape pun. Heheheh.. sape soh dia wat bodo ngan kitaorg.. ekekeke...
Got my hair highlighted that same evening, and it cost me a bloody 125 ringgit. But it was worth it. Tengah cantik2 rambut lepas kena blow (perasan sat) malam tu pegi Jusco amik duit. Makan lagi kat Secret Recipe. Hehehe... But didn't buy anything sbb duit dah melayang.
Sunday morning teringin lak nak makan nasik lemak ngan ayam goreng (pagi2 dah selera beso). Tapi pi kedai mamak tuh ayam goreng lak takde. Iskkkk... malam tu aku goreng ler sendiri ayam.. sedih jek makan sorang2 dalam suasana hujan + kilat sabung menyabung. Oh ya. Went to Hafezh's wedding kat Cheras. Sesat memula tuh. Heheheheh... dah ikut peta pun leh sesat. Kuikuikui... Last2 jumpa gak aaa umah dia. Ramai jugak yg datang. Jumpa skali our ex-officemates, Kak Ya and Kak Tiny. Salam sana salam sini lepas makan, pastu blah. Begitu cantik pasangan pengantin pada hari itu memakai baju berwarna kuning. Tidak lupa juga makanan yg lazat hingga menjilat jari. Heheheh...
Pastu malam tadi basuh baju sampai 2 baldi. Ekekekeke... Cuci rambut pastu pagi nih jadik kering sangat sampai berserabut! Jadik aku dtg kerja harinih dengan mood yg tak brape ok.. sbb rambut aku macam siot. Nih dah kena tiup kipas yg atas kepala aku nih, jawabnye setiap jam aku kena gi toilet aaa...
Ok la... nak wat kerja (Hahahahhahahahaha). Chow~!
This is SPAM! Ekekekekeke...
Time banyak kerja, sampai nak gi toilet pun tak sempat... Tapi bila kerja dah habis, sangap giler la plak.. nak wat ape nih ek? Hmmmm..? Ajak member aku gi tgk wayang malam nih, dia ade kerja la plak... bosan nih. Esok kena tugas kat convocation la plak. Ape benda la aku nak buat ek? Kalo aku ade keta la kiranya... sure aku gi jenjalan amik angin malam2 sorang2 sambil dengar radio, sambil tgk lampu... alangkah seronoknye.. JIKA aku ade kereta.
Dahler...takde idea sebenornye. Tatau nak surf ape, tatau nak buat ape, tak tau ape2. Bye.
Eh....petang nih nak gi makan2 dengan Min ngan Ziela kat Secret Recipe. Yehyehyehhhhh.... tak sabo nak balik!!!!
I woke up last night finding myself talking on the phone. *Hmmmmm....* Same person who likes to call me in the middle of the night. A bit of a psycho. *LOL*
Kali ni dia call lain macam plak. Macam best cakap ngan dia. *selalunya mmg tak best pun!* Dia macam.... ceria... tak berahsia sangat dah... best aaa kira... Seperti biasa la bila datang saikonye dia akan ajak aku kuar jenjalan pepagi buta, dimana dia tahu yg aku akan bangun awal utk pegi kerja.
Puas dia pujuk ciput pun aku tak termakan. Lantakla... pastu last2 dia tanye aku ade boifren ke tak. Sebab kalau aku ade, katanya dia tak kan kacau aku lagi dah seumur hidup dia. And dalam ke-mamai-an aku pagi tadi, dapat jugak aku sense benda2 yg pelik. Sepanjang aku kenal dia, dia tak pernah pedulik aku ade bf atau husband sekali pun... dia tetap nak suruh aku buat ikut suka dia gak. *Dah lama sgt kenal dah tau dah taktik dia* So I asked him kalau dia ade girlfren. Dan akhirnya dia mengaku!!
Huh... dah ade girlfren pun masih nak nyibuk dalam idup aku wat pe? tak habis2 mengajak aku keluar berpoya2. Cis... tak tau ke aku dalam proses nak berubah sekarang nih? Pastu ade ke dia kata gf dia tak best dan tak kesah kalau dia kuar ngan aku? Eeeeee...geram la pulak aku dengan mamat sorang nih. Tapi I wonder...sape la gerangan perempuan itu? Hehehehe.. dia kata bukan satu college ngan dia... maybe satu company kot.. Oh well, lantak dia la...
So as usual, the phone call ended up with us being really mad at each other... macam budak kecik betul la! *I just hate him coz dia kejut aku tido!* Tapi I can't help but smile to the fact that he's more open now than before. :D
Daily Overview for May 25, 2004
Provided by
Recent successes have emboldened you. You feel good. Keep up the good fight.
Important information will come along regarding a dear one. What you do with this great news is up to you -- but making reservations at your favorite restaurant couldn't hurt.
Daily Overview for May 26, 2004
Provided by
The love of your life is right under your nose. Show your best side. Be direct.
You could be privy to a shoving match -- but that doesn't mean you have to let it ruin your week. Stay detached, and try to pass that sentiment on.
TGV KLCC was packed with people, mostly in working attires, yesterday evening around 6. Farah, Rahmat, Dahlia and me went to watch Srek 2.
When we arrived at the cinema, the line was so long it almost reached Auntie Anne's. Aiyoh... Thank God we managed to get the tickets, although it was 2nd row from the front! Sikit lagi nak baring aje dalam panggung wayang tuh... hehehehe...
But the movie was hilarious. Gelak tak hengat nye kitaorang! Comel giler aaa that cat, Puss In Boots. Masa dia buat mata kesian dia tuh.... isk isk... teringat lak kucing2 kat rumah tuh.. hehehehe.. That time donkey and cat gelakkan Shrek sbb pakai baju ketat tuh lagi la lawak jenaka! Nak terguling aku gelak. Hehehehehe...
Akan ditubuhkan satu lagi company under company yg sedang aku bekerja under skarang nih.. Aku dan rakan2 karib aku di pejabat ini kemungkinan besar akan di transfer kan ke sana. Ditugaskan untuk meng-enhance project yg akan launch tak lama lagi nih. *dah brape puluh ribu kali cakap nak launch tak gak... hmmmm* Tujuannye adelah untuk menjual kepada company2 lain, termasuk yg berada di luar negara *cadangnye la* Akhirnya ada juga berita gembira untuk aku.. finally I have something to look forward to. Walau macam mana pun... mengikut pengalaman aku dan rakan2 disini, apa yg diperkatakan tidak perlu lah di ambil berat sangat. Bukan niat kami untuk menjadi agak kurang ajar, tapi sesungguhnya apa yg telah dibincangkan dan diterangkan tidak pernah menjadi sebelum ini, kecuali ia datang dari mulut bapanya. Jadi, aku hanya menyimpan harapan aku yg tidak lah setinggi mana untuk company baru ini. Menjadi la hendaknya.
Yay for Harry Potter!!! Can't wait for the movie to come out this June!!! Hehehehe... But dah lama aku tinggalkan the magical world of Harry Potter sampai aku dah tak brape ingat dah... *isk isk isk...camne leh lupa?!* Jadiknya before the movie rolls out, I have to make some 'update' on my memory.
AaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAa....!!! Bestnye Bestnye Bestnye....!!! Baru lepas main game kat website Harry Potter tu tadi. Dah lama tak masuk, game dia pun dah lain dah. Hippogriff nye game tuh dah sampai level 3 aku dah takleh pikir lagi. Hahahahaha... *lembab tol!*
Ok la... ape2 pun aku tgh excited giler nak tunggu Harry Potter! Nak tengok Sirius Black!! best best!!
*Cam terencat lak aku nih*
Ok la...have to go back. Dahlia dah tunggu. Heheheheh... chow!
Setiap kali aku terpandang wajahnya.... jantung aku berdegup dengan pantas. Jiwa bergelora dan aku tertunduk malu....
KAHKAHKAHKAHKAHKAH.... dah lama aku tak bermadah. Tapi madah aku memang tak best langsung! Kuikuikui... geli aku nak menaip benda kat atas tuh...apetah lagi melafazkannya! Oh~ jauh sekali! Hehehehehheh...
Kepada Farah dan Dahlia - Hahahahahahahahahhaha.... sakit jiwa aaaaa wehhhh.... sebenarnya aku saja nak letak nama korang kat sinih...sempena ketekanan jiwa aku menuggu Sophos nih bergerak dengan perlahan sekali dan meng-hang- kan Manual Version 1.0 aku nih... tulung aku!!!!!! Esok nak hantoooooooo
Agak menyampah dengan keadaan computer saya sekarang ini. Kemungkinan begitu banyak cacing telah hidup didalamnya. Dah la music takleh main, ade lak pop-up menda2 ntah ape2 pastu slow nak mati!!! Cipan betul laaaaa... nyusahkan idop aku!!!!
AaAaAaAaAaAa.... Uhuk uhuk uhuk... adelah jiwa ini kurang senang apabila nak save kerja mengambil masa yg lama, dan adelah program itu "hang" setiap kali. EeeeeeeEeeeee... Kesabaran aku telah diuji. Tu la ko pompuan.... dulu masa baru2 pc jadik bengong takmoh hanto masuk bengkel... dah 2-3 minggu lepas tu bila dah teruk macam nih baru ler nak mengamok. Padan muka ko!!! Ahahahahahahahahaaaa...
Sementara aku menulis nih tiba2 ade pop-up message untuk aku darik cik Dahlia kita. Nampak gayanya, IE dia telah setkan home kepada satu restricted website. Ahem... apa komen lu beb? Dan Sophos pada komputer cik Dahlia pun takleh start... jadi.. kita berdua mempunyai masalah dengan komputer.
Bolehkan jika saya mengatakan yg saya tak suka pada komputer dan teknologi? Ahahahahha..
To me, the best way to spend a weekend is relaxing at home, with Mummy and MT. Watching TV, sleeping, cruisin, eating MT's cooking and a brief moment of lepak-ing with cousins. Dan itulah yg telah aku lakukan weekend yg baru lepas ni. Syoknya sampai taknak balik! (every weekend pun taknak balik gak! hehehe..) Oh well...wat camne.. *sigh*
Last Thursday and Friday was spent with designers having ActionScript training. I am like, the worst student in the class! Dah le lembab pakai Flash pastu nak masuk ActionScript lak.. Sian Hatta kena bersabar sbb aku macam snail! Encik Hatta nih terrer aaa.. laju aje dia buat action script nih. Tapi sayangnye dah nak blah dari ofis ini, meninggalkan kami terkontang-kanting dengan Image Bank, Course Builder dan CMS. Hehehehehe... Apa pun Good Luck to you, yg akan menjadi seorang game developer later this month. Kalau nak open table lepas 1st gaji nanti...calling2 la yek... hehehehe...
You know you're living in 2004 when...
1. You accidentally enter your password on the microwave.
2. You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years.
3. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of 3.
4. You e-mail the person who works at the desk next to you.
5. Your reason for not staying in touch with friends is that they don't have e-mail addresses.
6. When you go home after a long day at work you still answer the phone in a business manner.
7. When you make phone calls from home, you accidentally dial "9" to get an outside line.
8. You've sat at the same desk for four years and worked for three different companies.
10. You learn about your redundancy on the 11 o'clock news.
11. Your boss doesn't have the ability to do your job.
12. Contractors outnumber permanent staff and are more likely to get long-service awards.
13. You read this entire list, and kept nodding and smiling.
14. As you read this list, you think about forwarding it to your "friends".
15. You got this e-mail from a friend that never talks to you anymore, except to send you jokes from the net.
16. You are too busy to notice there was no #9.
17. You actually scrolled back up to check that there wasn't a #9.
AND NOW U R LAUGHING at yourself.
Yups... I kept nodding and smiling all the way down the list. And I did forward it to my friends in the office... Hahaha..
Pernah dapat email ni before but suddenly harinih rasa cam nak post lak kat blog. I know I've written in, like, 3 times already, tapi macam nak jugak letak!. Kuikuikui...
Agaknye diaorg (a.k.a org2 atasan) baca tak menda nih ek? Memandangkan mereka boleh track kemana kita pegi dalam dunia internet nih... hmmmm... jika benar mereka baca... sama2 lah kita belakon buat selamba...
Lama dah tefikir menda nih tapi tetiba tadi kena panggil.. dia bertanyakan gaji yg dijanjikan tapi tak masuk tuh.. dimana kami semua telah di "April Fool" kan. Oh rupanya dia tak tau yg menda tu belum masuk. Bulehkah kami mempercyainya? *hmmmm* Sape gi complain kat dia sampai dia panggil ek? Kihkihkih... Atau kitaorg cakap kuat sangat sampai dia dengar? Takpela... patutpun utk mereka mendengar kerana benda ni adelah satu perjanjian yg tidak ditepati.
Semoga next month kami semua dapat merasa kenaikan gaji yg telah dijanjikan itu. Bulehlah membuat perancangan untuk mengumpul duit, membeli barang keperluan dan juga berbelanja *weehaaaaa..!!* dengan berpatutan.
Sekian, Terima Kasih.
Berangan tu adelah satu aktiviti yg best. Dalam LRT, dalam kelas, tengah buat kerja dan kadang2 orang lain tgh cakap ngan aku pun aku leh berangan. Hahahaha... patutler jerawat banyak... Kuikuikui...
Aku berangan ape ek? Hmmmmm... aku jadik kaya, beli keta sendiri, ade rumah besar, cakap aje barang2 berteknologi canggih sumer aku ada... tapi yg paling best skali kalau ia melibatkan Colin Farrel la... orang lain takleh masuk campur dah.. hehehe.. tapi skang nih student trainee tu agak hensem juga la... *wink wink* tapi macam tak mesra alam aje... hahahah sesuka ati aku jek nak ngata orang! ~Maaf ye encik~
Wehhh sebenarnya aku tatau ape aku tulis nih... Tgh mengambil masa break antara satu kerja dengan kerja yg lain. Ok ler... marilah kita semua berbalik kepada kerja yg sedang menuggu itu. Semoga berbahagia sentiasa. *I am full of crap* Chow~
Jap jap nak tambah sket... lagu Eamon - Fcuk It tuh best la plak... hahahha..
[Verse 1:]
See I dont, know why, I liked you so much
I gave you all, of my trust
I told you, I loved you, now thats all down the drain
Ya put me through pain, I wanna let u know that I feel
Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses, it didnt mean jack
Fuck you, you ho, I dont want you back
Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses it didnt mean jack
Fuck you, you ho, I dont want you back
[Verse 2:]
You thought, you could
Keep this shit from me, yeah
Ya burnt bitch, I heard the story
Ya played me, ya even gave him head
Now ya askin for me back
Ya just another hag, look elsewhere
Cuz ya done with me
Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses it didnt mean jack
Fuck you, you ho, I dont want you back
Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses it didnt mean jack
Fuck you, you ho, I dont want you back
Ya questioned, did I care
You could ask anyone, I even said
Ya were my great one
Now its, over, but I do admit im sad
It hurt real bad, I cant sweat that, cuz I loved a ho
Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses it didnt mean jack
Fuck you, you ho, I dont want you back
Maap la kalo ade yg tak suka tengok perkataan tu banyak sangat.. tapi nak wat camne.. bukan aku yg compose lyrics lagu nih pun... keje aku copy paste jek... hehehehe.. Memula dulu aku ingat lagu nih cam Marylin Manson nye lagu... stock2 yg ganas giler tuh... tapi bila dah dengar.. alerhaiiii... syahdu la plak... cam tak kena jek dengan lyrics dia... hehehehe..
After a 2 year study, the National Science Foundation announced the following results on the American Male's recreational preferences:
1. The sport of choice for unemployed or incarcerated people is: basketball
2. The sport of choice for maintenance level employees is: bowling
3. The sport of choice for blue-collar workers is: football
4. The sport of choice for supervisors is: baseball
5. The sport of choice for middle management is: tennis
6. The sport of choice for corporate officers is: golf
Conclusion: The higher you rise in the corporate structure, the smaller your balls become.
Uiksss... Blogger dah baru.. hehehehe..
Friday nite went out with Fizah, Herry, Weng and Anom. Had chicken chop kat Keramat. Saturday went for new semester registration in OUM with Farah and Rahmat. Pastu had lunch kat Maju Junction's foodcourt. That night ada special dinner for the project members and faculty/staff kat Equatorial Bangi. Dahlia, Liza, Siew and me tumpang Farah and Rahmat. Had Chinese set with chopsticks. Food was ok compared to The Westin when we had our Annual Dinner last year. Sunday woke up and watched cartoon until noon. Tido balik and woke up to find Anom's message. Went out with her to have lunch. Not much of a weekend, but I think it's ok. Selalunya dok rumah and sleep all day long. Hahahah...
Now back at the office, where keadaan is still huru-hara sbb ada perpindahan LAGI. Testing documents are scattered on my desk, tapi buat bodo jek. 11.15 and still surfing the net. Ha Ha.
I've changed my blog's title. It's now A day in the life of Vancouver. Of course, I'm no Vancouver. Hidup aku is completely the opposite. Less fun! Sebab blog nih pun citer pasal my everyday, boring, pathetic life. Over and over again. Title tu sebenarnye came from a T-shirt my cousin gave when she visited Vancouver. I remember the color of light orange and a picture of people sun-bathing and just having fun at the beach. Bestnye kalau boleh macam tu everyday, but still get paid. Hehehehe... *pemalas nye pompuan!*
Pehhhh letih giler gi main air kat A'FAmosa nye Water World tadi. This morning I was like, very de boring one. Tatau ape nak buat. So when my cousin came to have breakfast, aku terlintas lak nak main air. So one hour later we were on our way to Melaka. Syok siot...tapi punye la ramai orang. Giler aaa ramai. Tapi yg best tuh masuk cuma RM18 jek.
Main ombak buatan tuh bestnyeee... ye la.. 4 orang ditemani seorang ibu yg takde kerja kat rumah pegi main air. But Mummy tak masuk air la...dok tepi jek jadik kaunter pertanyaan waktu. Hehehehehe... But anyways we had fun although kolam semua penuh dengan orang. Hahahah... agak geli juga la...tapi hentam jek! Dah bayo.
So now tangan aku rasa cam lenguh giler takleh nak angkat. Serious punye. Nih type nih pun jari jemari jek bergerak selaju siput. Heheheheh....
Oh nak update lagu2 pebret aku skang:
1. Britney Spears - Everytime
2. Mario Winans - I don't Wanna Know
3. D-12 - My Band
Best lak lagu Britney Spears baru, Everytime. Eh baru ke? Aku nih dah berkurun jadik katak bawah tempurung.
Notice me, take my hand
Why are we strangers when
Our love is strong
Why carry on without me
Everytime I try to fly, I fall
Without my wings, I feel so small
I guess I need you, baby
And everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face, it's haunting me
I guess I need you, baby
I make believe that you are here
It's the only way I see clear
What have I done
You seem to move on easy
And everytime I try to fly, I fall
Without my wings, I feel so small
I guess I need you, baby
And everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face, you're haunting me
I guess I need you, baby
I may have made it rain
Please forgive me
My weakness caused you pain
And this song's my sorry
At night I pray
That soon your face will fade away
And everytime I try to fly, I fall
Without my wings, I feel so small
I guess I need you, baby
And everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face, you're haunting me
I guess I need you, baby
Yesterday in Puduraya, I felt like I was once again in front of Stauim Merdeka punye gate, waiting for it to open to Linkin Park Concert. Gilosss punye ramai orang! Can't get much sleep in the bus. Kepala sakit sangat!!! Terhantuk kat cermin rasa kebas. So after 3 1/2 hours of travel (it took extra 1 hour jam in Seremban!) I came home happily. Hehehhee.. took a long nice hot shower and the headache just seems to fade away... *sigh* kan bagus kalau dapat tinggal aje kat Muar dok kat rumah terchenta...takyah balik KL buat sakit jiwa raga aje... *why???? why????*
Lepas mandi, rasa lega... tak pernah aku dapat merasa nikmat mandi kat KL. Cheh! Had dinner with Mummy and MT. Lin buat spaghetti bolognese (eh spelling tu betul ke? hehehhe...hentam kromo). Best giler... rest tgk TV and then I went to sleep. Yang bestnye tido kat rumah ade katil besar, air-cond, kipas and best-est sbb ade Mummy and MT. Hehehhehe... They were both still watching TV while waiting for their grandchildren to come home but my eyes couldn't last that long. So I went in my room, switched off the lights, bukak air-cond and kipas full blast and went to sleep. *ahhhhhhhhhhh....* menyegarkan! sungguh selesa. Hehehhehehe....
Kesimpulannye... I love my house. Hehehehehe...
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