Monday, October 24, 2005 0 Comments A+ a-

The whole family, along with Manji and Bik Muna from Pahang, went to JB on Saturday. Again, for the 100th time, I was left alone in KL. Sad, very sad. It was so depressing that I could fall in lap with Jehan Miskin, watching Cerekarama Saturday night. Mummy had dinner Friday night with the school's gymnastics team. Mummy said Cikgu Hamdan wanted to wait until I'm in Muar, tapi aku balik lambat. So I guess they have to have dinner @ Classic Hotel without me. Another sad story. And the saddest part of all is that I wasn't there for Mummy's farewell party on Saturday. *Yup, 31st would be Mummy's last day as a teacher* I was REALLY looking forward to it, ok! I even applied for Hari Raya leave a few days earlier to make sure I can help Mummy pack all the gifts for the teachers, to be there at the ceremony... BUT THEY HAD TO DO IT WITHOUT ME!! Yea la coz the hall is going to be used for SPM examination later.

So I guess you could say my weekend was indeed...sad. When Mummy called me from JB, I can hear the whole family @ yati's having fun la of course!. Fatin & Syami pun cakap macam nak taknak aje pasal sibuk nak main dengan Nyaii2 dia. *Sob! Sob! Sob*

Aku nak tengok Mak punya farewell party laaa...!!!!
Sedih tau............................