Thursday, April 27, 2006 0 Comments A+ a-

Dear Blog,

It's Thursday! Can't wait till tomorrow comes. Although there's this orientation thing going on at the office (after office hour).

I haven't packed my things just yet. I don't wanna get my hopes too high, like last time lah kan. Kalau ada, ada. Kalau takda, nasib lah. There is no need for me to make preparations & arrangements of some sort. Kesakitan di hati masih terasa. Cewah.

I'm just pshyched about going back home. I've already dreamt about Mummy a few times. Even Yati & Nur ada dalam mimpi, and last night was Dina's turn. Untuk menambahkan lagi keterujaan aku untuk pulang, Fatin & Syami ada kat rumah. And I'll be seing them for the whole of the long weekend (at least I hope so). Yeay! Sekurang-kurangnya dapat lah mengubat luka didalam hati ini kerana tak dapat nak sambung 1 hari cuti lagi.

Blog dearie,

I just answered the door to a man who is supposed to have this meeting with all the bosses at 11a.m. The man asked me kat mana tempat meeting so I showed him the meeting room. I asked him to have a sit while waiting for the others to come. Then dia tanya aku if the meeting starts at 11 and I said yes. Dia tunjuk kat aku jam dan berkata, "Sekarang dah pukul 11 kan?". Wow. Maka dengan perasaan malu nya aku pun melihat jam aku. 11.05am (jam aku cepat 5 minit). Yup, dah kol 11 dah.

So Blog, nampak gaya nya aku pulak yg kena dengan orang tu tadi. Malu. Walaupun bukan salah aku orang2 yg sepatutnya attend meeting tu tak punctual dan maybe bukan sebab diaorg pun. Mungkin diaorg ada meeting somewhere else, and got caught up in a traffic ke.. kereta buat pasal ke.. we never know la kan. Tapikan, aku suka orang yg masih-duduk-kat-luar-tu-lepas-tunggu-dah-10-minit-dah-ni. Pasal dia punctual. Kehenseman pun masih ada la walaupun dia dah tua. Kalau dia muda harus aku mengurat. At least kalo ada date, takyah aku tunggu lama2 pasal dia menepati janji dan waktu. Keh keh keh.

Anyway Blog, biarkan aje la diaorang tu. I think I suka hari ini, so I'm trying my best to not get mad at anything that occurs and see the positive side of everything. I'm calm, and I plan to be, until the end of the day at least.

So Blog, wish me luck.

Oh and as of this very moment, the meeting is already 40 minutes late. Hmmmm... maybe they have another one of those "unforseen circumstances" going on.