Monday, January 16, 2006 0 Comments A+ a-

Maybe she's too busy to let us know that she's back for a short holiday. Her brother's getting engaged, I think. Lepas dia silap send sms utk abg dia kat aku tuh, takde berita terus. Offline pun tak reply, sms pun takde. I know she's busy kat sana. Orang tengah amik Masters la katakan... sape la aku, Degree pun terkedek2 lagi!

Based on my surfing skills kat Friendster, I know she, and the other friends, went to Scotland bercuti. Tapi tiba2 je Raya Haji haritu Encik Weng called from Cardiff, asking for her number in Malaysia. Ape jadahnye tanya aku? Aku tak tau langsung dia dah sampai Malaysia. The other day Zul called from Portsmouth, asking me of her condition! About her love life yg terputus tu not so long ago. You see...people know the 4 of us are good friends. Every BMI friends who call me mesti tanya kabar Anom, Fizah dan dia. Tapi biler balik sini, satu sms pun takde.

Aku tak perasan at first, but then Fizah yg bagitau aku. If she has a problem, she'd call us. If not, there's only silence from the other part of the world. Kenapa? I'm guessing she doesn't want to disturb us. Tapi dah lama2 nih, agak terasa jugak la. We all are. And I received news from Anom that she didn't even tell her bestest friend, Fizah, that she's here.

So what are we now?

Masa tengah susah, sakit hati, kecewa ngan boipren dia dulu... kemain lagi tepon kiteorg. Nak katakan hari2 dia tepon, especially Fizah la. Sekali tepon punya lama sembang, nangis2 luahkan perasaan. Time tu Fizah masih lagi tinggal dekat ngan umah aku. Ptg2 aku gi lepak umah dia, siap buat discussion lagi pasal problem kawan yg lagi sorang nih. Bagi nasihat itu ini, bagi pandangan sumer. Aku lagi la...siap kuar lagi ngan boipren dia tu. Nak tau citer nye pasal.

Skang nih dia dah dapat lupakan ex-boipren dia tu. Bagusla. Tapi dia lupa kat kiteorg ni skali.....