Thursday, January 05, 2006 0 Comments A+ a-

While we were having lunch at the Indian Shop just now, the following conversation took place:

Dahlia : Ko nak jumpa Rishan tak nanti kat JB?

Scabbers : Tak kisah, aku ikut je. Tapi aku confirm taknak jumpa Heikal.

Dahlia : Eh...bukan haritu kata mmg taknak jumpa ke?

Scabbers : Oh, haritu kata taknak... tapi sebenarnye nak. Hehehehe.. Lepas dapat msg dia malam tadi, sakit hati plak. Memang confirm la taknak jumpa dia!

After lunch... balik ofis.

Baca email.


No, I'm not mad at him, but at HER. Is it your hobby? Making everybody mad at you? You like it when every single person hates you? It's in your nature to piss everyone off, is it?

I'd rather have him begging me endlessly than having to read those annoying emails. At least he makes me happy once in a while... unlike you. You make me puke, lady!!!