Monday, February 06, 2006 0 Comments A+ a-

I don't know how to start this.

I'm being kicked out of my house. It's one huge confusion for me, the owner and the agent. Mr. Soo and his brother, Mr. Soo, came by on Saturday to tell me that one of'em has bought the house during a public auction somewhere in January. They asked me to leave within 2 weeks! Damn, I hate them already by then. Nasib baik Mummy ada, if not aku mmg terkejut dengan news tu tak tau nak buat apa. So I said I'll move out by the end of this month. Lagi aku terkejut Chong or Simon takde inform aku. So I called them. Both tak tau rumah tu dah kena jual. Chong mula2 ingat aku main2 lagi dengan dia. I know he wants to sell the house, but I don't think public auction counts. He told me he only asked Simon, the agent, to find some people who wants the house. I think Mr. Soo bought it for 56k, while Chong kata nak jual kat aku for 80k++.

Chong has already called those Mr. Soos and told them that they have made a mistake. The elder Mr. Soo said the auctioner may have made a mistake whatsoever. But seriously, I don't like him la. Not even the stupid-looking-brother-who's-now-the-new-owner. Tapi aku pelik la. Yg jual kat diaorg tu is Maybank. The paper stated that they sold the house to Mr. Soo on the 25th of January. So kenapa Maybank tak inform Chong? Or Simon? Or sape2 la anak/bini Chong yg own the house skali? Sekarang tiba2 pulak aku kena move out? Sape yg patutnya pay back my deposit? If it should be Chong, I don't think he'll like it la. Dia yg selalu compalin kata takde duit, kedekut taik hidung masin punya orang, tiba2 nak jual rumah dia dgn harga murah and pay me back a thousand bucks? - I don't think so!

Sekarang ni mmg serious punya confuse la. Aku lah victim dalam case ni. Those damn Mr. Soos suka2 hati la pulak suruh aku keluar cepat2. Aiyoh...can you just die faster anot??

But I've already looked for a few houses in the area. I think the area is ok, despite all the ahlongs and the sound of race cars/bikes. Also, I like living alone. Tapi aku pikir gak pasal duit aku. Tiap2 bulan duit cukup2 makan je. Sebenarnye tak cukup pun, tapi with Mummy's help, dapat lah aku survive kat city yg entah-hape-hape-nih. Tapi kalau aku dok ngan kawan, sian plak Mummy, Makton dan uncle2 aku yg slalu datang lepak KL. Mesti diaorang takde tempat nak tinggal nanti. Nak dok hotel, uncle2 aku tu...bleh ke? Then aku pikir lak nak tinggal ngan Auntie Zaleha, Mummy's close friend from school. Dia ada offer dulu masa 1st time aku kena tinggal sorang2. Tinggal dengan dia ok, jimat la aku. Nak gi keje pun ok je. Dia keje kat Dataran Maybank Bangsar nih, gi keje naik keta park kat lrt. Bleh la pegi skali kan. Dia pun single, tinggal dengan her sister yg single jugak, their mother and satu maid. Aku orait je ngan diaorg semua. Kereta aku pun dapat la parking yg selamat sket kan. Tapi diaorang ni bukan family. Walaupun very close, tapi bukan family la. Nanti mesti ada awkward moments kan? Macam kalau diaorang nak pegi bercuti ke Europe bawak Mak diaorg ke... cemana? Tapi untung2 dia ajak skali aku kan? Diaorang tu kaya raya... laki ngan anak takde. Adik bradik yg lain pun semuanya dah berjaya dan ada family sendiri. Duit pegi mana je? Orchids and travelling around the world. Best kan? If I stay with them...mesti diaorang kasi aku bela kucing kan? Bestnya!!! Hehehehe..

Haihhhh...tapi skang is not the time to think of cats and Europe. Although I like the idea very much. Sekarang masa untuk fikir ape pun aku tatau. Oh Boss, tolong la bukak satu cawangan company kat Muar ke.. Melaka ke... buleh la aku apply keje sana kan? ;)

Dahla. Kesimpulannya aku kena tunggu apa2 results dari kedua-dua pihak tuan rumah. Aku sangat berharap aku tak payah pindah.