Friday, March 23, 2007 0 Comments A+ a-

Ok, I am, as of today... a resigned staff of this company.


How great this feels like! It's definately a relief. I can't wipe this smile off my face. Imagine 4 years and 4 month of working with them. It was great at first... but up until this 3rd company I followed them into, it's so like.. whatever! Makin sombong, I tell ya. I kinda liked them back then. Tapi kalo skarang aku cakap aku suka diaorg, confirm korang sumer kata aku giler! Hahahahah.

Anyway, semalam masa aku nak hand-in aku nye resignation letter... aku hulur kat dia, tapi dia taknak amik. Tak suruh pun aku letak atas meja, instead dia cam bengang aku kasi dah petang (5 minit nak balik). Ingat aku nak bagi 24 hour notice. Konon dah bagus sangat la taknak sambut surat aku tuh. Please la dude! By the way, dia is a 'she'. THE CEO of the new company. THE PR & Communications Manager (yes, it IS true) of the other new company. THE Management.

This morning I was late. Terserempak la dengan The Big Boss kat bawah. Being a normal human being, I smiled at him. I guess you know what I'm gonna tell you next. He didn't smile back. He saw me, obviously! Yet he totally ignored me like I wasn't even there. Kalau ikut aku, tak kire dengan orang yg aku kenal ke...tak kenal ke... kalau dah terserempak cenggitu aku senyum je la. Kite kan manusia, ape salahnya buat baik to each other...mana tau satu hari nanti kita memerlukan pertolongan diaorg ke kan. But I guess he feels that he is THE most superior person on earth, that he does not need anybody's help and that everybody should respect him. (Remember that particular meeting in IMU yg dia kata sape2 nak resign dia bleh suruh The Father to sign & give recommendation? Eheheheh.. Kenangan tuh!) Or maybe it's because of the fact that he's already using Windows Vista... and the only one in the office that is so totally up-to-date with technology? Hmmmm....??

Whatever the case is, I guess you can go to hell with it.

Isk. That's harsh, isn't it? Ok let me rephrase it - Whatever the case is, I guess you can just die with it?

I'm pissed with the way they treat people, but I can't help feeling happy that I'll be outta here by next Friday. I know they can't wait for me to leave either, since I'm not doing anything good for them anyway... but hey, I'm just following what the contract says.

By April, insyaAllah, Dahlia and I will have a normal diaorg-free life. Why is Dahlia involved? Well, being a dear friend to me who had been through tougher times than I had.. dialah tempat aku mengadu pasal kerja. After this, when we hang out.. there won't be any discussion about them again!

Ooooohhh... can't wait for that, can we now?!

But don't fret people. I've told Mai that I'll invite her everytime we're having a get-together, so she can let us in on the juiciest gossip.