Wednesday, March 14, 2007 0 Comments A+ a-

School kids today are WAY alienated. I mean, how can you get 17A1 when you're only 15?! When I was 15 , all I care was about buying magazines to collect Backstreet Boys posters. I couldn't even get 8As for my PMR. Har har.

Bukan tu aje, tapi budak sekolah zaman skarang suka sangat bully each other which leads to fighting which leads to killing. Baru belasan tahun they can get so violent! And not to mention the amount of these teenagers yg telah di rape and some of'em yg go sleeping around. Scary, dude.

And speaking of teenagers, smalam aku lepak kat Mekdi Sentral. Sebelah meja kiteorg, which happened to be VERY near... ade la satu couple ni. Umur dalam lingkungan 19-20 la..budak college rasanya. Pompuan tu pakai baju kurung mcm dah keje. Yang lelaki tu rambut cacak2 siap karat lagik. Pastu pakai rantai basikal yg tergantung kat belt tu. Baju kecik2 ala punk. Gaya macam penganggur tapi tatau la kan..hehehhe.

"Awak buang semua nama dia dalam handphone awak ni!"

"Baby taknak la!!"

Di atas adalah contoh perbualan mereka. Aku nak termuntah everytime pompuan tu membahasakan dirinye Baby. Like I always say, Baby ke Babi?! Dahtu dok merengek2 kat boipren dia. Eeeeewww!!!

And they talk stuff like which chick is hotter, boypren sape lagi hensem dari boypren sape... this couple is having a fight about this and that... pada aku, itu semua macam stuff yg very de whatever.

Tapi it reminded me of being seated next to sepasang kawan perempuan (married, middle-aged women) yg sedang membincangkan urusan suami-isteri. I mean, seriously suami-isteri stuff with no cildren in the picture. Making children was more like it. It was embarrassing enuf listening to them discussing Kamasutra (aku tak sure spelling nye, dan aku takleh search kat Google sbb takut ape dia akan return kat aku!) while I was sitting in front of a male friend.

Berbeza betul perbualan diaorg. Hehehehhe... Perbualan aku cemana ek? Biasanya sembang pasal kerja, pasal problem dengan boss / colleague / housemates, pasal serious boyfriend / fiancee / husband / babies, pasal movies and going out doing social activities and the most important topic.. financial issues. Kan?

Ooooopsss... have to go. Nak menunaikan tanggungjawab terhadap perut. ;P