Thursday, January 22, 2009 3 Comments A+ a-

Yesterday, I fuc*ed things up. But it all turned out ok at the end.

At least I get to stay home, have lunch with Farah (who is now busy and keeping herself invisible from YM and Facebook), and talk to this man who is in charge of the server... and has the sexiest voice I've ever heard. Buat aku conscious plak dengan tahap ke-sedapan suara aku. Ekekeke...


According to my BMI Calculator (bukan BMI my old college kat Gombak), I am an obese.


But I can't seem to keep food out of my head. Heran btui aku dengan orang2 yg bleh tahan makan sayur or roti hari2 selama sebulan sbb nak diet. Aku cuba 2 hari without nasik and I am dizzy like hell, sakit perut giler babs. Pasal tu la sampai aku pegi fuc*ed up that server. And yea, now I'm back to eating. Walaupun I think I eat less nowadays, my pants, baju and even towel tak boleh fit dah. Kembung angin ke? Hahahah.. tak logic sungguh. Confirm lah sbb aku makan banyak & jadi makin gemok. Cisss!!!

Tulah aku kata, I eat when I'm depress. Nampaknye aku makin depress skang nih. Yeke? Don't I seem happy on the outside? Hmmm... I don't understand myself.

Apelah yg jadik kat diri aku nih lately? Isk isk isk.... Bleh tak kalau aku nak keluar dari diri aku kejap? A pause from being myself. Rimas giler.

Is it because of work? Hmmm... I don't have anything against the company and my colleagues, but maybe... just maybe that I start to realise that I am not made to be what I am today? I wanna switch, but I can't.

I wish I can start over.

Yes. Betul. Maybe that's what I really want right now. I wish I can start over. I'll wish harder. Maybe it'll come true.


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12:31 PM delete

nak start over? semua orang pun wish mcm tu...

9:17 AM delete

Hahahaha, bukanlaaa busy sangat pun..cuma sekarang ni banyak sangat keje ...maklumlah i kuli jek

10:43 AM delete

pizli : yeke? maybe tak semua..

farah : bukan bz sangat, tp banyak sangat kerja. cemana tuh? :P
