Thursday, August 17, 2006 0 Comments A+ a-

I hate technology.

I can never understand and catch-up with it. The more I know about it, the more I DON'T want to know about it... ya dig? * Uiks, slang ape nih? *

Ok, forget about technology. Let's focus on something that is WAY more important than that; my leave for tomorrow. *Grins* Going home after subuh tomorrow with Cousin Mung. Give my spinning head some rest dulu malam ni. Oh, another thing I don't understand - why do I get fever everytime my period comes?. Cramps, I know... but fever?


And my hormones also said that it wants to have another look at the serial killer look-alike mechanic tonight. Semalam I walked in front of his shop, but I had my head down. It was heavy I can't lift it up. So now it wants another view of him.

* Sigh * If only I'm brave enuff to even smile. Chicken!!! <--- mengata diri sendiri.

Tapi kang once aku dah berani, aku terberani sangat lak. Habis aku pegi bagitau semua orang ape aku rasa pasal diaorg. Matila aku time tu.

Dahla. Dahla. Dahla. Nak tunggu masa lunch ni. Lambat betul jam tu.