Wierd Day

Thursday, June 11, 2009 2 Comments A+ a-

Yesterday was something else at the office, man. No.. not that aku jadi rajin dan semakin berminat utk membuat code.. tapi about a friend's behavior.

He slept all morning, lunchtime he said pening and didn't want to eat with us, after lunch he was crying and acting really wierd. He just stared at the screen, while playing with tissues. I went to ask him to go home, he just said ok. At 3pm I asked him to go eat and I can teman. He said tak mengapa. At 4, he went for prayers. Then... around 6++ (I was out of the office by 6pm sharp, so details are provided by witnesses), he had seisure. Meracau, air liur dok kuar2 dari mulut.. and "many unusual actions" kata bos.

OMG. Seriously kesian. Sampai kena panggil ambulance, then diaorg kata takut gila so had to call police... then tatau apa jadi itu ini, akhirnya berjaya bawa dia ke Hospital UM. Tapi nasib baik he didn't go back home. His wife and anak2 kat Perlis, wife dia baru gave birth so pantang kat kampung la, and he's all alone in KL. Dah la tak sihat..rindu kat family lagi. Kesian betul...

Anyway, his dad datang KL dari Johor last night. So now he's in the hospital temankan anaknya, I assume. Berada dalam keadaan stabil lah hendaknya kawan aku tu.


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3:37 PM delete

dia sakit? or rindu kat family gila²?

10:30 AM delete

both kot.. sampai cenggitu skali jadiknye..
