Hari Michael Jackson Kembali

Friday, June 26, 2009 1 Comments A+ a-

I bet today everybody's blogging about the death of Michael Jackson. And not to forget Twittering & Facebooking about it. I bet Google & Yahoo search engines are going bonkers nak melayan requests for "Michael Jackson" searches. But hey, why not? He's THE pop king, ok! Nobody in this world yg tak tau siapa tu Michael Jackson, unless he was just born yesterday. And everybody likes his songs and videos. Oh, except for Pizli & budak2 opes aku ni. (I told u my officemates are wierd.)

Anyway, Mummy called this morning to gimme the news (selalu mcm ni. dulu Left Eye from TLC mati pun Mummy called, tapi my cousin lahirkan anak tak call plak), Nur & Dahlia texted. Farrah Fawcett pun mati gak kan? Tapi aku tak kenai dia, dan aku bukan peminat. So, sorry dude.

Of course I was shocked when I heard the news. And I especially remembered the video I bought of his concert kot? Bad. That was his song yg start buat aku minat. It's a 1987 album, and masa tu aku da besar sket dan dah minat music. Masa Thriller kuar, I was a baby. Hehehe.. At that time I was really a big fan of his. Cassette tapes pun beli gak.

His video clips are the best, man! The first I liked was Remember The Time. Starting dari tu, whenever his video comes on, aku akan terpacak depan TV nak tengok. Video Earth Song, Ghost, and lagu yg ada orang buat line panjang satu dunia sambil pegang tangan tu? Memang lagu2 dan video dia semua memberi efek kepada manusia di seluruh dunia, tanpa mengira kaum dan agama.

Erkk.. aku nak hantor karangan SPM ke? =P

Apa pun, Michael Jackson memang best beb. Dulu masa nak kemas2 rumah for renovation, terjumpa berkotak2 majalah zaman 80an hakmilik Munah & Nur. Peh, siap ada lirik lagu2 The Jackson Five, MJ dan semua yg masih berkulit gelap zaman tu. Ahaks. Syok giler menyanyi2. Sebaik je aku tak potong buat buku scrap!

Last news pasal dia kan, dia masuk Islam kan? Betul ke? Patut sedekah Al-Fatihah ke? (ini soalan Mummy pada aku pagi tadi. hhahaha..) Ok la Michael, sampai sini je ek post tribute nih. Gua caya sama lu!


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11:25 AM delete

aku takdela tak suka lagu and video dia...

tapi tak jgk aku sedih dgn kematian dia.. hehehe...
