On Random

Thursday, July 02, 2009 2 Comments A+ a-

1. If there's a new cat at home, I wanna call it Michael Wong. I've loved him for so long, that HK actor. His level of hotness is almost the same as Brad Pitt.

2. I've always thot that Engineer is the best job in the world. Everytime I watch Mega Thursday or Mega Structures or any other engineering-related documentaries, I get really hooked by the way they design and build roads, buildings and everything else. However, Software Engineer is so NOT included in this context of engineering. Being a software engineer sucks. Just the word "software" is enuff to make me puke and have nightmare for a week!

3. I think Cancer is like, the coolest way to die. A very dear teacher of mine, Ustazah Khadijah, died of brain cancer when I was in Std 5 or 6. And I think Pn. Mahnah died of it too, can't remember.

4. There is a line between Friends and More Than Friends. When somebody has crossed over from MTF to Friends, he'll be there forever and be treated like a brother with absolutely no chance of going further.


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2:28 PM delete

tapi perkataan engineer sangatla buat aku jealous..

4:50 PM delete

layan mythbuster pn best meh..haha..
