Saturday, March 28, 2009 0 Comments A+ a-

Stands for Malaysian Teacher Selection Test for those who wish to pursue their career as a teacher. Before KPLI that is.

Eh agak poyo je ayat tu.

Anyway, I just finished mine @ SMK Vivekananda, Brickfields. There's 5 modules to be completed; all in objective format:

+ INSAK (Inventori Sahsiah Keguruan)
+ Analitikal
+ Kuantitatif
+ Verbal (Bahasa Melayu)
+ Bahasa Inggeris

30 minutes for each modules with very limited time break in between. Good, the earlier it finished, the better. 135 questions for INSAK with only 2 answer options; A or B. To me, there's no right or wrong for this - it's just to show that we have the quality to become a teacher.


Kamu terdengar kawan-kawan membawa cerita tidak baik tentang kamu, sedangkan ia tidak benar. Adakah kamu akan

A) Confront your friend about the issue
B) Abaikan dan teruskan pekerjaan kamu seperti biasa

* Of course that's not the exact question la, sebab takde campur bahasa. They're all in Malay except for Bahasa Inggeris!

Paper Kuantitatif tu Math. Unfortunately for me, my love and knowledge for Math was long gone since SPM, 10 years ago. It was kinda hard. Math with a touch of IQ test. * Urgh *. Overall, I think this exam is different from the others. But so far I've only taken 2! Haha. PTD is definately harder. SPM is the hardest (was that a joke, dude? it's not funny).

I hope I get through to the next round - interview. The stage where I fear most, coz I sound stupid when I talk. Regardless of language. IF I were to pass everything, I'd be a Pendidikan Seni Visual teacher lepas graduate. At least that's what I opted for. Nak jadik macam Mummy.

Ahaks! =)