Lost & Found
Thursday.."Kak, akak Fauzanah ke?", sambil menunjukkan sekeping IC.
"Cik, cik! Awak Puspa ke?", sambil menunjukkan sekeping Driving License.
Do I look like I just throw my important documents all over the place? I'm a cheapskate that I wear torn-out bags sampai semua nye tercicir? Jeez! What is it with these people?!
Maybe I'm too cute they just wanna talk to me.
"Hi there. My name's Puspa Fauzanah." ;)
Write commentsFauzanah and Puspa tercicir benda tu dekat tempat kau jalan ke? tengokla kut ada duit..
ReplyKedua2 tiada kene mengene dgn aku. Tetiba aku tengah jalan, ada orang tegur. Bukan wallet, cuma ic/lesen je.
Replyentah2 tuh scam. hehe. nak ngorat awek. ntah mana2 punya IC dia jumpa, tanya ko.
Replysomehow ayat ko tu membuatkan aku tersenyum simpul perasan sendiri. ekekeke