Been reading medical stuff on the net about this disorder of some sort. I've had it for as long as I can remember, but tak pernah pulak aku ambik serious mende nih. It's no big deal I guess. From what I've read, it does not lead to any big-time penyakit.
"It can usually be treated, but there is no cure" - Wikipedia.
eMedicine listed a few of the complications that people who suffer from this disorder may have; irritation of the affected skin, emotional distress and social embarrassment.
I might have the two latter complications, but I don't think my affected skin ada irritation. Kulit aku memang sensitive, especially to the hot sun. Nanti nampak cam aku kena bakar.. kehkehkeh. As for the body part yang bebudak nih selalu nampak macam ada rashes tu... area tu tak terlibat pun. Still can't find any explanation for that. Maybe it's just super sensitive.
I came across this medicine, tapi aku rasa aku nak consult doctor dulu lah. And it has been a while since I last visited Dr. Shariff. I need some clarification. Korang yg terbaca ni takyah la tanya penyakit ape yg aku alami, tapi korang patut tanya:
"Dude, your company ada updated handbook for staff ka?"
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* Muahahahaha..!! *