Friday, June 09, 2006 0 Comments A+ a-

Hello & Welcome Back to Me.

I was away for 3 days. Had to attend this KMICE thing. Knowledge Management International Conference & Exhibition. Urrgghhhh... very de not me ok! Kat Legend Hotel. Ada 2 conference sebenarnye. The other one was ICOCI - Something about technology & computer? But the company paid RM650 for me to be kat KMICE nye section.

I really hate to waste so much of the company's money... but I didn't get most of the presented papers during the conference. I was lost in space since 9.00 am until 4.00pm sepanjang 3 hari. (Oh tapi semalam habis kol 2, so balik rumah & terus gi tgk X-Men!). The only thing I heard was those French/Autralian/Indian/Arabic etc. accents. Aku suka pegi pasal tu aje la. Oh, and the free & ulimited supply of food! Other than that, aku tak brapa lah.

Participants were mostly CEOs, Managers, Datuks, Professors, Dr. . Cousin Mung's crowd, I would say. It wasn't that I don't understand what they were saying... but I just don't get it, ok! The accents are fine... we're used to speaking to foreigners masa kat IMU kan? Tapi isi kandungan percakapan diaorg tu.. aiyoh! Knowledge Management?! I know what it is, but....


Anyway, I just love those cute Pak Arabs ok! Rambut tak banyak, ala botak. Yang ada rambut pun curly2 gituh. Comel! Hidung mancung, pipi merah2... Awwww!!! Comelnye... And the way they pronounce "Jelatek"? Waduh... music to my ears! Hahahaha... Banyak lah yg aku suka. Dan yg paling aku ushar (dari Germany kot) dari awal conference tu...dok sebelah aku masa satu Parallel session tu. Oh, nervous giler aku takleh concentrate langsung! Um... like I was concentrating anyway! Heheheh. Dr. Cotinat, a keynote speaker from France pun hensem. Tinggi orangnye. Dan yg paling comel pada aku adalah seorang French PhD student. Nama dia Chacker Dijas. Tembam2, muka merah2, rambut tercacak2, takde la pendek takde la tinggi sgt. Normal la kot. English dia tak brapa mahir...tapi what do I care?! As long as he looks like a cuddly teddy bear... aku suke!!!

The conference was made possible by those Professors, Dr. and lecturers from UUM (read - Kedah). Kalau kawan2 rapat aku, mesti tau yg aku nih suke kat orang Kedah. I was hoping there might be students ke... anak2 ke... yg dari Kedah dan biler cakap pun ada slang sana. Tapi harapan aku keciwa.. anak2 diaorg cuma boleh match kan dengan Fatin (my 6-year-old neice) aje! Maka terpaksalah aku berpaling tadah dan membesarkan mata aku untuk Pak Arab. Ada jugak orang Malaysia yg bleh tahan hensem, tapi agak nerd lah. Pakai spek, bawak bagpack, rambut pun skema jek.

* kenal je description tu??!!! Hahahahah...

Lagipun orang local nih...tiap masa pun kite leh carik, bleh jumpa. Jadi diaorg tu cam kurang kepentingan la... Hahahaha..jahatnye lah aku nih. Anyway, I kept a journal throughout the 3-day conference. Dimana aku telah menulis dengan banyak. Yela, aku tak paham ape diaorg cakap...nak watpe lagik! Tulis la kan? I wanted to post it here, untuk kenangan.. tapi maybe later lah. Min baca gak journal aku tu semalam. Dia pun dah boring tahap critical. Last2 kiteorg bertiga main sembang2 atas kertas jek. Keh keh keh.

Dan harinih, hari Jumaat...marilah kita bersama2 membuat kerja.

- End of story -