Had a dream last night. Didn't really make my mood any better coz it involved my current employer and his madam. Sucks, doesn't it? Hahahaha... But anyway, my Mummy was in it too. My cousins, my niece and nephew, my auntie and surprisingly.. Lan (The one who was my neighbour). Apesal dalam mimpi malam tadi dia hensem ek? It's still him tapi macam lebih kemas, lebih cute, lebih hensem and lebih mampan you! Hehehehe.. Jalan cerita mimpi tu camnih... aku dok ngan family aku tapi diaorg nak pegi beraya umah auntie aku yg lagi sorang...jadik naik la keta...pastuh tiba2 aku kena panggil dengan boss ngan madam soh dtg opes sbb ade rehearsal/exercise... pastu rupa2nye aku kena join students kat sinih buat macam exercise la kat padang...tiba2 tgh aku drive ke padang tu lan timbul...ade jek dlm keta aku. pelik kan mimpi nih? pastu aku dah ade member aku pun berborak la...malas nak join studetns tu semua.. tapi pastu tengah kitaorg syok2 berchenta kat tepi padang, aku kena panggil dengan ma'am tuh sbb aku tak buat lagi exercise (cam soh aku kurus jek!). pastu aku pun meradang la...tapi lan kata buat la...pastu dia temankan aku exercise! sungguh baiknye dia dalam mimpi aku. apesal la in reality dia tak camtu ek? asyik nak mungkir janji jek. men-sampah-nye aku!!!! anyways.. aku exercise kena denda buat double sbb aku lambat. nih semua arahan ma'am la! jadik harinih dia datang opes aku cam malas nak tgk muka dia. rasa cam nak marah pun ade. hahahaha...sunguh emo aku ini.
~intermission:sedapnye bau nescafe itu~
ok pastu aku buat exercise tuh dengan cemerlang sekali sampai la boss ngan ma'am bengang ngan aku sebab aku berjaya! hehehehe... maka aku pun berterima kasih kat lan sbb temankan aku. pastu tetiba jek family aku sume dtg nak amik aku...pastu tetiba diaorg pun exercise sama ngan aku sbb nak menaikkan lagi perasaan marah boss ngan ma'am. Hahahahahahahhahah...amik ko! padan muka! tapi aku kalau masuk dalam mimpi tu maknanya aku rindu kat org tuh.. aku mmg rindu kat Mummy aku sbb last week her birthday aku pi jumpa Mummy aku. Anak2 sedara pun aku rindu sbb dah lama tak jumpa. Other family members aku tak kesah la...maybe aku rindu la jugak... I miss lan too. Sbb semalam cam asyik teringat kat dia jek. mungkin terbawak2 sampai tido la.. but what I DON'T understand is: Why in the world did my boss and her ma'am were there? I don't miss them! Not the slightest.. ~puh-leaasseee!! Cam saiko kan? Ntah ape2... nyampah aku. Cukup la aku tgk muka diaorg 9 jam sehari from Monday to Friday. Tak larat nak tgk lagi dalam mimpi. Lagi2 bila diaorg buat command yg menyakitkan hati aku. Oh sakitnye jiwa raga ini!
Oh ye tak ye... 3 o'clock today ade review, ok. Remember to go touch-up kat toilet before that! Muuahahahahahah...
Daily Forecast
Daily Astrology Forecast - December 29, 2003
Aries Horoscope: Love is on your side today*horay!* and you will find that all romantic and social situations are favored. This is the perfect day for you to take the lead on creative projects *hahaha*or anything that requires a keen eye for beauty *more hahahaha*. Your general mood today will be positive and cheerful *yup!*, and you will find that you can't go wrong in expressing yourself *I DID go wrong earlier but not anymore, honey!*.
Sun Sign: Aries Gender: F [ Edit ]
There's a lump in my throat and I feel like crying. Seriously. Remind me again why I feel this way? Apesal aku jadik macam ni? Apekah puncanya? Kenapa? Kenapa??
Sabtu haritu genap setahun M* meninggalkan dunia lelakinya. He seemed happy..and can I say that I'm happy for him? Well...biarlah dia dengan cara dia. Who am I to judge anyway? I am no better person than he is. M* la satu2nya kawan kat umah sewa aku ni yg faham naluri wanita aku nih (uweeekkk...nak termuntahnye aku!) Kalau takde dia...tiada la tempat aku mengadu... hehehehe... Tapi jeles gak dengan dia. Walaupun aku la sebenar2nye perempuan (dia hanyela rekaan) tapi dia la yg ade boifren keliling pinggang. Camne pun mmg dia lagi chantekk aaa... badan punye la slim macam pompuan... tak cam aku...besau semacam... His butt pun cam pompuan... pastu jalan punye la lenggang lenggok. Sib baik aje la aku tak terliur! Hahahaha... Rambut karat tak hengaattt punye. Kalau dari jauh aku tengok mmg perempuan la! Aku ajak kawen pun dia kata dia nak jadik pompuan biar aku jadik laki. Siot nye kawan! Ade ke patut! Hahahaha... But above all...best kawan ngan dia... asyik2 kawan dengan yg str8 pun bosan gak kan? Kita kena mempelbagaikan rakan... jadik banyak point of view yg kita bleh dapat...tak gituh?? Hehehehe...
Kenapa blog2 gay or nyah banyak melibatkan the topic of sex? Kenapa email2 sekarang pun berunsurkan sex juga? Kenapa banyak sangat orang melakukannye zaman sekarang nih? Is it THE thing now that you must do it to be so IN? Ataupun melakukannye coz you cant stand the pleasure it gives? Tapi kalau ye pun nak buat...jangan la rakam...atau curik2 rakam org lain nye kerja... pastu jangan lak sebarkan kat internet... sbb kalau kuar gambar aku mati la!!! Hahahaha.. aku sungguh saiko!
Ehh...perasan tak aku asyik mencarut jek harinih sampai kerja pun asyik laaa tergendala? Pemalas punye pompuan!! Gi buat kerja! Isk..nanti sat la... sikit jek lagi..nanti esok takde kerja lak... (Ade ciri2 Gollum ngan Smeagol tak? hahahah) Oh by the way please remind me that tomorrow I have this review for the appraisal thing... Pakai baju kurung la esok..nampak ayu sket..hahahahahahhahaha...
Malam tadi tengok Juara Lagu.. sape tengok angkat tangan!!!! Yey hahahahaha... Tak sesia aku suka lagu Misha Omar yg berbunga2 itu... ahaks... sikittt lagi suara aku habis dok ikut misha menyanyi cam masuk gear malam tadi. hehehe.. harinih nak carik lyric dia tapi ade satu website tu taknak bukak la pulak...last2 yg aku jumpa lagu:
Ning - Selagi Ada
Telah ku lakukan semuanya kasih
Telah ku korbankan segalanya
Namun ku sendiri tak pernah mengerti
Apa yang engkau fikirkan
Apa yang engkau inginkan
Ku tahu kau tak pernah setia (kasih)
Ku tahu diriku tak bererti
Namun ku sendiri tak pernah mengerti
Apa yang engkau fikirkan
Apa yang engkau inginkan
Selagi ada cinta di hatiku
Selagi ada rindu yang membara
Selagi air mata ini mengalir
Kau tetap di hati ini
Cintamu tetap di hati
Selagi ku mampu bertahan kekasih
Jangan sampai cinta tiada lagi
Jika memang cinta tiada lagi (kasih)
Tinggalkan aku sendiri...
Tinggalkan cintamu kasih...
Selagi ada cinta di hatiku
Selagi ada rindu yang membara
Selagi ku mampu bertahan kasih
Ku terima segalanya
Walau hatiku merana
Siti Nurhaliza - Bukan Cinta Biasa
Begitu banyak cerita
Atas sebab ada duka
Cinta yang ingin ku tulis
Bukanlah cinta biasa
Dua keyakinan beza
Masaalah pun takkan sama
Ku tak ingin dia ragu
Mengapa mereka selalu bertanya
Cintaku bukan di atas kertas
Cintaku getaran yang sama
Tak perlu di paksa
Tak perlu di cari
Kerna ku yakin ada jawabnya...ohhh
Andai ku bisa merubah semua
Hingga tiada orang terluka
Tapi tak mungkin,
Ku tak berdaya
Hanya yakin menunggu
Janji terikat setia
Masa mengupas segala
Mungkin dia kan berlalu
Ku tak mahu mereka tertawa
Diriku hanya insan biasa
Miliki naluri yang sama
Tak ingin berpaling
Tak ingin berganti
Jiwa ku sering saja berkata..ohh
Andai ku mampu mengulang semula
Ku pasti tiada yang curiga
Kasih kan hadir
Tiada terduga
Hanya yakin menunggu
Cintaku bukan di atas kertas
Cintaku getaran yang sama
Tak perlu di paksa
Tak perlu di cari
Kerna ku yakin ada jawabnya...ohhh
Andai ku bisa merubah semua
Hingga tiada orang terluka
Tapi tak mungkin
Ku tak berdaya
Hanya yakin menunggu
Diriku hanya insan biasa
Miliki naluri yang sama
Tak ingin berpaling
Tak ingin berganti
Jiwa ku sering saja berkata..ohh
Andai ku mampu pulang semula
Ku pasti tiada yang curiga
Kasih kan hadir
Tiada terduka
Hanya yakin menunggu
Anuar Zain hensem giler... tapi slack la suara dia terpecah sket masa last2 tu kan? Siti punye la comel...kan bagus pakai simple2 camtu...Macam budak kecik...Ehhhh...Siti nak kawen ke next year? Dengan kerabat Kelantan? Apsal tiba2 kazen aku yg tidak mempedulikan gossip2 artis tiba2 bercerita dengan aku tentang kisah ini? Aku yg agak mengikuti ni pun tak tau. hahahahaha... Biarlah janji tak kaco idup aku. Tapi kalau ade kerabat2 yg nak kacau idup aku ape salahnye...dipersilakan la ek...hahahahahah...
Tiba2 kan..aku diselubungi perasaan gembira sehinggakan aku senyum sorang2 dan aku rasa seperti hendak bergelak tawa... hahahahahahahhahaha... what came over me eh? Sekejap aku sedih sekejap aku suka... Apekah puncanya? Sama2 lah kita nantikan jawapannya pada hari dan waktu yg sama esok.
~Misteri Nusantara~
Hahahahahahahahhahahaa....I feel like laughing...but it's so sad that I feel like crying too!
~I miss my friends~
Mengapakah aku harus diberi kerja yg melibatkan komunikasi dengan lecturers? Tidakkah mereka tahu bahawasanya aku tidak gemar untuk bersosial? Atau mereka mendapati aku tidak ade kerja sekarang ini? Oh kerja mmg ade.. tetapi telahpun diberi kepada tuan asal. Aku tidak mengerti mengapa ini semua terjadi. Adekah mereka tamak? Adekah aku yg tamak? Atau adekah mereka sudah hilang kepercayaan kepada diri aku ini? Tragic Kingdom nye kehidupan aku di alam kerja ini. Aku sungguh malas~
Aku tidak mengerti...tetapi....aku hanya mempunyai perasaan yg berkobar2 untuk shopping sahaja. Telah pun diri ini membeli sehelai baju pada hari sabtu yg lepas...namun rindu ini terhadap aktiviti shopping and splurging belum habis lagi. Aku rasa sudah lama aku tidak bershopping (macam tipu jek! hahahahah) Oh duit!!! Timbullah kamu dengan banyaknya! Mampukah aku untuk bershopping sedangkan bayaran bulanan aku sahaja mencecah RM400? Tidak!!!!! (Sambil berpaling dan meletakkan tangan di dahi) Mampukah aku untuk membeli kereta apabila nombor aku keluar kelak? Banyaknya persoalan yg melibatkan kewangan...dimanakah harus aku mencari duit extra? Haruskah aku join direct selling? Tapi aku ingin sambung belajar...I wont have enuf time! Lagipun aku tak tau nak berkomunikasi dengan manusia lain utk menjual barang2... I know he can teach me...tetapi janji2 dia sudah tidak aku percaya lagi. Apekah salahku hingga diperlaku sebegini? Mengapa banyak persoalan dalam diri ini? Mengapa banyak decisions yang perlu aku buat? Mengapa aku terlalu malas? Mengapa aku bercerekarama dalam blog ini? Adekah aku telah menanamkan ciri ke-saiko-an dalam diri ini? Mungkin tidak (disebut seperti iklan malek nor zaman dulu tu)
Everyday is a shitty day~ (sing like sheryl crow's everyday is a winding road) come on now everybody! Everyday is a shitty day~ Once again now! Everyday is a shitty day~
Adekah perasaan aku sekarang ini berkait rapat with the fact that aku takde plan or even friends this weekend? Where is everybody anyway? Busy berdating sana dating sini? Hmmmm.... aku rasa camtu la gamaknye. And here I am again...alone... BOSANNYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Pagi-pagi kekedai Mutu
Untuk membeli sekeping papan
Rajin-raijnlah membaca buku
Untuk bekalan dimasa hadapan
Best tak pantun pertama yg aku cipta masa aku darjah brape dulu aku tak ingat dah.. hehehehehe...Saja jek tulis tu sbb tiba2 rasa cam saiko lak...
Harinih "the eye of sauron" takde...jadik bersantai la semua orang...and me...I wore Lin's skirt and I look damn fat! Well, I am fat, but, yknow...fatter! Hahahaha...Why do I wear it in the first place? Saja suka2~ :p
Went out with Miss D and her bf yesterday. Went to the zoo. I was soooooo excited!!! Always wanted to go to Zoo Negara. Sejak darjah brape dulu dah tak pergi dah... and I love animals. Heheheheh... comelnyeee... saw this big-horned bull and thought of "the horn of Gondor" and Boromir's horn yg patah tu... ahaks... semuanye nak dikaitkan dengan LOTR kan? Anyway...there were not so many cute guys there...but LOADS of children!! Macam semut lari sana lari sini. Rimas aku dibuatnye!
Eh...why is my hotmail inbox full of porn??? Aku tak mintak pun!!! Mengapa harus aku diseksa sebegini~ Heyyy...perasan tak? Aku banyak mencarut lak harinih...well...stop la...BUT...there's more on the way~
Despite all the things I've listed just now...I AM happy coz they just went home. This is so heaven!
Am so HappY!!! Happy happy happy~
.......but remember, my pressscioussss......you still have loads to do!! Shit la!!! Geramnyeeeeee......!!!
Note to self: you are actually hating yourself, my love.
Today is a form-filling day. Wonder how many other forms we'll get after this. Seriously, chocolate and nescafe don't mix well. Sakit perut aku dibuatnye.
Still planning on what to do this weekend, or even this Christmas holiday. I can't just sleep all weekend, can I? Hahahaa...I'll be fatter than the "fat hobbit" Samwise Gamgee!! Hehehehe...
Got another form here....yea baby!! So many forms...so little time!! And still haven't recovered from the pain of mixing chocolate and nescafe. Received an email from Mung bout the Secret Diaries...still intrigued by it though I've read it a couple of times before.
Go!!! Yes!!! Go away!! Go both of ya! Away...away from my sight~
~ leave me in peace~
Hey GREAT news...gotta finish this new project of mine by end of this month. Shit!!! And what AM I doing?? Listening to music...surfing...chatting...dreaming~ I am so fucked.
Yay for The Lord of The Rings!!! It's a fever for me this few days. Aragon here, Faramir there...Legolas in my dreams... hehehehehe... The show was great!!! I slept for a few minutes of The Fellowship of The Ring. In The Two Towers I slept for almost an hour (hehehehe...) and The Return of the King takde pasal la nak suruh tido!! Best giler siot!! It's the first time ever I had an overnight in the theatre. I am so in the mood for LOTR right now I'm planning to go this week and on the 11th of Jan. Am I sick? I guess not...Munah's sick-er! hahahahaha.... And now in the office..all I can think of is Aragon, Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Legolas, Gimli, Faramir, Boromir, Gandalf, Saruman, Sauron, Eyowyn, Arwen, Eyomer, Denethor, Galadriel, Elrond, Isildur, Nazgul, Gollum, The Shire, Minas Tirith, Rohan, Helms Deep, Isengard, Mount Doom, Mines of Moria, The Black Gate, Shadowfax, etc, etc.....
Muhammad Syafik Adnan....Aku mintak maap sbb kau tak dapat habiskan tgk Kill Bill.
Still deciding on what to wear for tonight's movie marathon.
- Jeans and t-shirt (too simple -not a sleeping attire at all!)
- Kaftan (is it too much??)
- Kain batik and t-shirt (lagi la too much!)
- Shorts and t-shirt (beku la kaki aku!)
Apa nak pakai nih???!!!
i'm so tired of being here suppressed by all of my childish fears and if you have to leave i wish that you would just leave because your presence still lingers here and it won't leave me alone
these wounds won't seem to heal this pain is just too real there's just too much that time cannot erase
when you cried i'd wipe away all of your tears when you'd scream i'd fight away all of your fears and i've held your hand through all of these years but you still have all of me
you used to captivate me by your resonating light but now i'm bound by the life you left behind your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams your voice it chased away all the sanity in me
these wounds won't seem to heal this pain is just too real there's just too much that time cannot erase
when you cried i'd wipe away all of your tears when you'd scream i'd fight away all of your fears and i've held your hand through all of these years but you still have all of me
i've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone and though you're still with me i've been alone all along
Everybody in the house is like, over excited about this LOTR Movie Marathon. I, on the other hand, just lie down and sleep the night away~. Excited tu mmg la...but not as much, since I have to be home early and go straight to Bangi. I will never get enuf sleep on weekends. But on weekdays I sleep too much. Hahahaha...no wonder aku membesar bagai johan sekarang nih...
He called me yesterday while I was having my "bonding" session with my cousin. I had my smile on until I fell asleep. Karat la lu minah! Lu saiko ka? Him? No way! Remember all the things he did to you. My loss is his gain. Remember that till the day you get married. (Duh! What does that mean?) Never have that topic crossed my mind before. I mean, for real. Kalau takat cerita2 khayalan ade la... L* reminded me of that, once. Said his mother's expecting one from him soon. Hahahaha. Good luck there, dude! And one old friend of mine (whom I nearly had a fling with) is currently enggaged...and have I told the part where I laughed at him? Hahahahaha...I am so evil. Gatai lagi ngan aku naaa.... padan muka hang!
Haritu pegi Masjid Jamek dengan Mummy and EmTee. Saw this one movie entitled A*. And since, My day is filled with this imagination of mine where he calls me. I'd meet him at a bar, in a club, shopping centres, every happening spot in town. Sends chills down my spine. Wonder what he's doing right now. How is he anyway? Is he still ok? How's business? Any girl he's shagging right now? hehehehe... What would my life be like if I'm still his friend? Was I his friend? Yea...he told me once. But it's sad, yknow...coz I was the one who ended it. I have my own reasons. If Mummy finds out about it..she'll be mad. And if he gave me a nice car, big house, money, all the kemewahan in the world...Mummy will definately have a fit and would probably throw me out of the family. But it was ok while it lasted. Hate to think about it again, ok. Tapi just wondering how he is right now....
At the office we have this big decision for the holiday. Everybody was so into Langkawi but HE wanted Penang. Might as well just give HIM the money and to go off holidaying with HIS family. Ehhh...amik la...gua tak heran tau!!! Lu tinggalkan kitaorg kat sini sendiri dah cukup bahagia buat kitaorg semua!! Why can't we agree on something that WE want. I mean, this is the ONLY time nak buat decision as a team. Everyday is like, your damn decision. Dah la cam tak gheti nak buat keputusan. Aku rasa bercelaru sungguh office nih sampai aku pun tak tau aku kat mana sekarang nih. I'm lost in my own office. Heyyyy...haven't YOU realize that 90% of your staff doesn't really like you? And please don't get me started on the Mrs. ! Better jump off the building before you get to work under her. Hahahahaha..jahatnye aku... gaji diaorg gak kasik! Huhuhuhu...~
You know it only breaks my heart
To see you standing in the dark
Alone waiting there for me to come back
I'm too afraid to show
If it's coming over you
Like it's coming over me
I'm crashing like a tidal wave
That drags me out to sea
I wanna be with you
If you wanna be with me
Crashing like a tidal wave
I don't want to be
So baby come back to me [Stranded]
I can only take so much
These tears are turning me to rust
I know you're waiting there for me to come back
I'm too afraid to show
If it's coming over you
Like it's coming over me
I'm crashing like a tidal wave
That drags me out to sea
I wanna be with you
If you wanna be with me
Crashing like a tidal wave
I don't wanna be
(Stranded)It's coming over you
(Stranded)It's coming over me
(Stranded)It's coming over you
I miss you
I need you
Without you
I'm stranded
I love you
So come back
I'm not afraid to show
Crashing like a tidal wave
Drags me out to sea
I wanna be with you
You wanna be with me
Crashing like a tidal wave
I don't wanna
It's coming over you [Stranded]
It's coming over me [Stranded]
It's coming over you [Stranded]
So baby come back to me [Stranded]
(Stranded)Coming over you
(Stranded)Coming over me
(StrandedComing over you
(Stranded Stranded)So baby come back to me
i like him when he's with me but i hate him when he's not. which side of him the the real him?
sakitnye kepala sampai mata nih takleh nak bukak dah...
lalalalalaaaa~ bosannye...can't wait for this weekend to come when i'll be ne of those survivors of LOTR trilogy movie marathon! before that, i'll have to cure this stomach ache o'mine. malam tadi tgh tido pun bleh terjaga sbb cramps dia sungguh memedihkan! never have i had this bad of a period pain! Dah habis sebotol air mineral aku telan...hopefully dia makin baik ptg nih.
stomach cramp!! semalam makan banyak kat umah uncle... tapi sampai umah cousin terpaksa keluarkan semua balik semula. vomitted three times and imagine how lembik i was yesterday! and last night i stomach didnt feel good and today dia meragam lagi. rupanya period laaaaaaaaa....aiyoooo... tapi campur semalam nye sakit tak abih lagi... cam nak pengsan jek arinih. tertonggeng2 aku menahan sakit. aduhaiii.... camne nak drive balik kl nih? i'll try...kalau tak tahan i'll stop along the way la kat mana2 r&r. ok la...wanna eat some more of auntie's salad. kang sakit perut lagi ooiii!!!!!! hahahahaha... dulik ape aku...kat kl bukan dapat makan best2 camni!
yey! finally sampai hometown...Alhamdulillah...drove 2 hours from kl back home. hujan sampai mata aku naik kelabu.
baru abih tgk drive me crazy for the 100th time. hhehehee... adrian grenier is soooooooo cute!!! sukanye sukanya sukanya!!! hehehehe... nak carik gamba jak la. tapi gambar dia yg cute cuma dalam citer nih jek. yg lain sume cam tak best jek...
oh terasa amat penat searching for resorts and hotels in pangkor island. bukan ape...penat kepala berfikir...anyway kesian gak kat my partner coz i wont be in for the presentation tomorrow. hopefully diaorg semua taknak ke pangkor. langkawi pun best gak. i like that mutiara burau resort. many activities. karaoke!! hehehehe....
Aku dah takleh tgk satu lagi gambar beach or island atau yg sewaktu dengannye. nak termuntah dah le.... island and nescafe cannot go together.
It still is Wednesday, December 10th, 2003. Last time i put in my entry is at 11:18:55 am...I feel like an eternity has gone by...yet it's only 1:30:?? pm. This is what u get when u don't have much work to do, but you have all the time in the world. Excuse me please, but I have to say this: Are my boobs getting bigger? It may not be, but i definately feel like it. Hahaha.
Aku kenyang la... asyik makan makanan aje. Can I have something else? SOMEONE delicious, for instance? Like, if you put Colin Farrel in front of me right now... I'd drag him in some place and won't get out till the next day. That is how HUNGRY I am. Hahahahhaa... (Hey...do NOT laugh, ok!)
somebody berak and left the shit there. SICK!!! medical students yg selalunye mementingkan kebersihan dan yg sungguh hygene-concious pun bleh biarkan camtuh. thank God i didnt puke! kesedaran sivic takde langsung!
No Doubt - It's My Life
It's funny how I find myself in love with you
If I could buy my reasoning I'd pay to lose
One half won't do
I've asked myself
How much do you commit yourself?
It's my life
Don't you forget
It's my life
It never ends
Funny how I blind myself
I never knew
If I was sometimes played upon
Afraid to lose
I'd tell myself what good do you do
Convince myself
It's my life
Don't you forget
It's my life
It never ends
I've asked myself
How much do you commit yourself?
It's my life
Don't you forget
Caught in the crowd
It never ends
It's my life
Don't you forget
Caught in the crowd
It never ends
It's my life (it's my life)
Don't you forget (don't you forget)
Caught in the crowd (caught in the crowd)
It never ends (it never ends)
Yesterday almost everybody was damn bitchy to me. Don't know why I like to curse nowadays but it soothes me. Hahahaha. I guess today's better. I got over my frustration of losing my specs in the toilet. InsyaAllah I can drive at night. Quite ok though I can't really anggar jarak betul2.
So ok...today's another day in the office. Seniors are out for the Boot Camp stuff. Hooray! That means one whole day of freedom and glory! Hehehehe... Have to kemaskan the portfolio and then documentation and then prepare for testing. Since the first week of January would be very busy holidaying, i'd have to cramp my work and finish it all before december ends. Only then would I feel relaxed sbb kerja dah siap! However, I can't seem to keep my mind on work. I am so damn lazy! Yesterday evening we had a meeting on the money we won at the awards. (hahaha...sounds like emmy awards or sumthin') Boss said gotta spend it for a holiday. Took a vote and finally agrees between Langkawi, Pulau Besar or Penang. We all have to do some research and present it this Friday (which I will be off to JB!) and decide it then.
I am so bored I lost my energy and creativity to write (do I even have the creativity?????)
Suddenly singing Ella's song - Esok Lusa Selamanya. Searched for the lyrics, found it but can't find Aku Kau Dia. Dah lupa dah lagu tuh camne. Dulu fevret aku tuh!
Ok la...nothing to do...feeling bored...lalalalalaa~~~
How do u get this thing to work, exactly? Am I the only one without the idea? HOW????!!!!!!!!
kenyang, tired, scared, bored...it's all in me now, baby! kenyang makan kueh raya me and noriah took from our pantry...tired of people yg asyik dok pau aku and depend on me for every single thing in their lives...scared of what's coming in the future.... and bored sitting doing nothing kat opes nih. oh and sick too. can i be sick of my friends??? hmmm...i guess not since i need them most of the time but its really sickening for them to only think of themselves. like that one sickening bitch. (i really shouldn't say this but hey...i've said it!)
Semalam meeting rasa cam banyak giler kerja nak kena buat but when today comes, it still is the same. I've been staring at the computer for a while deciding what to do. I checked my emails, read blogs and I still feel quite bored. Malam ni nak beraya ke umah a*. dengan w*. didnt go anywhere last night. tak start up the engine pun. malam ni nak kena panaskan bebetul.
stop walking around ok...i'm trying to write my blog here!
plan for this week (tolak monday coz nothing productive happened yesterday)
today - work. but of course!!!
- amik w* and pegi beraya
wednesday - work. again???
- beraya ke rumah d* (remember to bring along her payslip) and if there's enuf time, pegi umah l* plak.
thursday - work. do i have to???
- if c*'s free i'll drive to his house, if not...i'll just drive around.
friday - no work. hooray!!!
- go to MARA to pay off my debts
- balik hometown
saturday - go to JB with family.
sunday - be in JB
- be back in hometown
- drive back to KL (or should I just go straight from JB to KL??)
Then the following week...work starts again and it'll never ends. I'll be bored and sleepy and tired and by the end of the month, all the depression will be flooding back. Can I just run away? Please!!!
yup...some of 'em really have awful plastic surgery. why change your looks? it's beautiful the way it is. check out these people turning uglee. http://www.awfulplasticsurgery.com. a huge zit is growing and it's irritating my lower lip! sakit makkkkk!!!!
enjoying my time reading jokes at "jardmail.com". other than that, i eat a lot and i'm getting fatter and fatter. what is happening to me??? i've cut down the amount of food i take everyday and still, i feel fatter. hmmm... went to time square last night, in search of shoes for the dinner. got a black pair with glitters at the front. m* said it's like pubic hair. and now the shoes are called PH shoes. yuck! tried on pants, blouse, hair band, sunglass, bracelet and PH shoes last night. in short, tried on the outfit. it's not really like it, but it'll do. at least it looks like oldies fashion. hehehe..
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