Tuesday, December 09, 2003 0 Comments A+ a-

Semalam meeting rasa cam banyak giler kerja nak kena buat but when today comes, it still is the same. I've been staring at the computer for a while deciding what to do. I checked my emails, read blogs and I still feel quite bored. Malam ni nak beraya ke umah a*. dengan w*. didnt go anywhere last night. tak start up the engine pun. malam ni nak kena panaskan bebetul.

stop walking around ok...i'm trying to write my blog here!

plan for this week (tolak monday coz nothing productive happened yesterday)

today - work. but of course!!!
- amik w* and pegi beraya
wednesday - work. again???
- beraya ke rumah d* (remember to bring along her payslip) and if there's enuf time, pegi umah l* plak.
thursday - work. do i have to???
- if c*'s free i'll drive to his house, if not...i'll just drive around.
friday - no work. hooray!!!
- go to MARA to pay off my debts
- balik hometown
saturday - go to JB with family.
sunday - be in JB
- be back in hometown
- drive back to KL (or should I just go straight from JB to KL??)

Then the following week...work starts again and it'll never ends. I'll be bored and sleepy and tired and by the end of the month, all the depression will be flooding back. Can I just run away? Please!!!